Challenge #12: Weekly Quick Fic

Jun 30, 2012 20:41

Sarah had managed to convince the guards she didn’t know anything about Beth’s disappearance, but she still didn’t feel at ease.

She was quickly assigned a new roommate, which made her feel as if she was being watched. She had to quickly explain away her nightly nightmares that left her shouting in her sleep until she woke herself up.

Technically, she hadn’t done anything wrong. She didn’t leave. She didn’t help Beth escape. And she didn’t really know where Beth was going, just that she was running away.

But she didn’t tell the guards that. She lied to keep them from searching outside the city’s wall until Beth was at a safe distance ahead of those searching for her.

And that was enough to make her feel like a traitor.

The problem was, though, that she wasn’t sure to whom she was being a traitor. Should she have told the guards about Beth’s plan? Should she have done more to help Beth? Either way, she still felt like she hadn’t done enough.

fiction writing

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