i stole it from jarlene and im bored soo.....
First best friend: this stephen blume. he was before i met ross. then he moved
First car:.....sigh......one day
First date: i dont no something with lindsay
First real kiss: real one was lindsay. before that there was the slutty proctor truth or dare kisses
First break-up: lindsay
First screen name: docevil27
First self purchased album: MORTAL KOMBAT.
First funeral: not yet
First pets: a dog, niklas. i think
First piercing/tattoo: i dont no, but when i turn 60, im getting lots of tattoos and piercings
First credit card: one day
First true love: jesus
First enemy: danny collier(in 2nd grade we had this weird enemy thing(we had the same pants(thats why)))
First musician you remember hearing in your house: either neil young, the beach boys, or grateful dead
Last cigarette: never
Last car ride: last night when we took ryan home, then ebay home, then tad home, then back to ebays cause she had my glasses. then home
Last kiss:......it definatly wasnt like a month ago behind best buy, aside from that...umm random kisses at java jazz, and before that....way back in lnz days
Last good cry: probably last august
Last library book checked out: a book about ghandi and lullaby by chuck pallahinuik
Last movie seen: i started watching loaded weapon one on saturday
Last beverage drank: grapefruit juice or ice tea
Last food consumed: i had apple pie at 3 am
Last crush: ehhh
Last phone call: tad
Last time showered: sunday i think
Last shoes worn: black wal mart slippers
Last cd played: The Hippos "Heads Are Gonna Roll"
Last item bought: The Hippos "Heads Are Gonna Roll" and dollar store crap
Last annoyance: my mom just told me a dumb story
Last disappointment: ehh jarlene knows
Last time wanting to die: never
Last time scolded: i dont no
Last shirt worn: siome weird chemcial shirt or something
Last website visited: jarelnes lj
Last word you said: no
Last song you sang: beutiful day by u2
What is in your cd player?: The Hippos "Heads Are Gonna Roll"
What color socks are you wearing?: none
What color of underwear are you wearing?: blue boxers ive been wearing for a couple days, im changing today though
What's under your bed?: nothing. i dont have a bed frame. so its just on the floor
What time did you wake up today?: prolly around 9 30
Where do you want to go?: anywhere
What is your career going to be?:.........dancing?
Where are you going to live?: eh i dont no
How many kids do you want?: dont care
What kind of car(s): any thing that moves
Current mood: let down
Current music: GOSH The Hippos "Heads Are Gonna Roll"
Current taste: retainer
Current hair: emo flip
Current clothes: strange white t shirt and blue boxers
Current annoyance(s): retainer
Current longing: alot
Current desktop picture: i dont no some weird nitting picture of my moms
Current favorite artist: probably the hippos. or melmac. or dude ranch blink 182. or reel big fish. or motion city sound track.
Current book(s): invisible monsters by chuck palahinuiuk
Current hate: "chapstick and chapped lips and things like chemistry"
1.Make up a name for yourself: P-Rock
2.Where were you born? houston
3.And when was this? 1988
4.What are you parents names?. Richard and Donna Jo
5.What is your favorite sexual position? non applicable
Morning. . .
1.What's your favorite breakfast cereal? i dont no
2.What's the first thing you do upon waking? usually walk downstairs
3. Coffee or Orange Juice? black coffe like a beast
4. Stop to smell the roses or rush to work/school? i dont no
5. What is your morning bathroom routine? pee,shower, brish teeth
6.Morning breath? not a good thing
7. Toast or pop tart? pop tarts dominate
8. Sex in the morning or at night?....ohh yea
9. Do you have normal sleeping habits? yea i guess
10. How many hours of sleep you average? maybe 8, but i can work off of 2
11. Get on the Internet before work/school? every once and awile
12. Change your underwear regularly? most of the time
13. Sing in the shower? no
14. Flex in the mirror? ohhhh yea
15. Butter or Margarine? i dont care
Noon. . .
1. What your favorite fast food place? chick fila
2. Take out, drive thru, or eat in? i dont care
3. Bring your lunch or eat from a vending machine? i pack
4.Eat in a group or alone? group
5.Would you like fries with that? sure
6. Gossip? i dont no, not alot.
7. Do you brush your teeth after every meal? no
8.Chew Trident? if someone offers
9. Are you eating anything right now? no
10. Ever had a, how you say, nooner? nope
11. Favorite TV Dinner: i dontno
12. Favorite Candy Bar: fastbreak orsnkikers
13. Favorite chewing gum: fruitstripes
14. Does loud chewing bother you? depends what kinda mood im in
15. Do you talk with your mouth full? i try not too
And Night. . .
1. What is your favorite sleeping position? isleep on my side facing the window
2. Do you dream in color or black and white? usually color
3. Do you sleep alone? yea
4. Have you ever been in a bar? yea
5.How about a gay bar? all the time......no
6. Do you drink? no
7.Do you drink and drive? no
8. How about drugs, do you do those? never
9. Do you carry condoms? no
10. Name something stupid you've done while drunk: nothin
11. Tell me a recent dream: cant remember any super resent ones
12. What are you doing next Saturday night? quincenera for alyssa garza(im a master dancer)
13. Will you marry me? thats weird, youre probably an old creepy man
14. What do you sleep in? boxers and a shirt
15. Kiss and tell? usually, not behind alleys though(not that thats ever happened)
that was fun