I think you used it right, sir. I'm just.. unused to anyone besides my mother saying things like that in reference to me. I apparently suffer from low self-esteem, sir.
If it gives you any comfort, I'm not very good with "slang" either. I was raised in a house full of people from different decades, planets, and realities.. my slang skills are mixed and very odd.
I prefer being polite anyway. It shows more respect, even if I seem to be formal..
**blinks** You know.. I never thought of it that way.. But then a tendancy towards the arts is considered a prerequisite for sentience and personhood over here and one of the drives that governs human (and Reploid!) behavior.
Would oldestbeloved look better not wearing pants, or not wearing a shirt?
*looks at him, in a slight bit of surprise*
Well, sugar, I daresay he would look a bit like you, if the rest is as identical as the face, but I'd have to answer the question with him looking best wearing neither.
Comments 21
*Curious and slightly confused look*
And um.. I'm sorry to ask, sir, but um.. What exactly have I done that proved I am "invaluable"?
*frowns* I'm still unsure of how this "slang" goes...
If it gives you any comfort, I'm not very good with "slang" either. I was raised in a house full of people from different decades, planets, and realities.. my slang skills are mixed and very odd.
I prefer being polite anyway. It shows more respect, even if I seem to be formal..
*looks at him, in a slight bit of surprise*
Well, sugar, I daresay he would look a bit like you, if the rest is as identical as the face, but I'd have to answer the question with him looking best wearing neither.
And as for that response...*preston's voice trails off* it is a bit disconcerting to think of things in such a manner.
I do know him, yes.
*a tilt of her head*
Why is it disconcerting? The question called for an answer, didn't it?
He and I look the same-I suppose...that's what makes it disconcerting.
I think...if I'm correct, her mother would be very angry to learn that she'd seduced anybody at all.
I.. I've never seduced anyone... I've barely had two boyfriends! That's..
*She turns bright red*
Oh geez... mom would kill me.. only not kill as in death but she'd give me that look that says "I'm very disappointed in you." and that's even worse..
I think I need to curl up and die now..
*He frowns, patting her akwardly on the shoulder* Your mother won't have to know. I think this quiz is insane.
*Sheepish look*
My mother would know. Trust me on this. She would know before I knew.. heh...
Please do
Three is usually sufficient to keep a 10x10 foot room straightened, unless you've got a packrat on your hands.
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