Name (or alias): Lena
lenabeeAIM SN: Optional: heylenabee
Name: Ailwin Ian Herlewin
prof_ailwinPlayed By/Physical Description: At the least, provide base details of build, height, eye/hair colour, and complexion. He stands about 6'0, about average build and he wears his brown hair relatively short. He generally has a bit of stubble, though occasionally he'll shave himself clean and he has bright, clear blue eyes. PB is Ewan McGregor.
Age/Birthdate: 40/January 25, 1966
Gender: Male
Wand: 13" Cyrpress with a Phoenix feather core
Blood: Halfblood
Birthplace/Location: Scotland/Hogwarts
Status or Class: Upper Middle Class (not rich, but nowhere close to poor)
Pet Name/Species:
OWL Scores (For 1-7th Years):
Astronomy: E
Charms: O
Herbology: A
History of Magic: O
Potions: A
Transfiguration: A
Ancient Runes: O
Divination: E
NEWT Scores: (6th, 7th Years and Adults Only. Put N/A if not applicable):
Astronomy: E
Charms: O
Herbology: A
History of Magic: O
Ancient Runes: O
Divination: E
10 Words to describe your character: intelligent, athletic, reserved, analytical, stubborn, practical, polyglot, friendly, independent, quirky
Personality: Ailwin has always been a bright and friendly man, but he's also always been a bit reserved. This might seem like a bit of a contradiction, but it isn't really.
To the casual observer, Ailwin appears reserved and cautious, thoughtful and analytical. And he is those things, but he's also the first to say hello to someone, whether he knows them or not. He's independent in the sense that he doesn't easily form attachments to people, due to things that have happened in his past, but he's perfectly friendly on the surface.
Ailwin has a bit of a quirky sense of humor. He's not afraid to make jokes or show his amusement at a situation and even though he takes his work seriously, he definitely has a playful side. Case in point? Giving Derek the thumbs up when he caught him and Hannah snogging in the halls rather than scolding them or giving them detention.
Strengths: Both magical and personality: Ailwin is an expert flier, as evidenced by his short stint at professional quidditch and 4 years on the Ravenclaw quidditch team before that. His best subjects when he was a student were, naturally, Ancient Runes, Divination and History of Magic. He's always had a good head for learning languages and historical facts. He's also particularly gifted in Charms.
Ailwin's chief personality strengths are his friendliness and his quirky sense of humor. He also has the ability to be level-headed, even in a bad situation and to not let his emotions get the better of him.
Weaknesses: Both magical and personality: Ailwin's worst classes were Potions and Transfiguration and though he managed to pass those OWLs just barely, he really hasn't improved in those areas at all. Oddly, he's a fantastic cook, though sometimes he cheats and uses charms instead of cooking the muggle way.
Ailwin's tendency to emotionally close himself off to people these days if one of his strongest weaknesses, because he has a tendency to push people away and not let them know how he feels about them. Even with his best friend, he doesn't really vocalize his feelings, even though it's an understood thing between them.
His stubborn and independent nature could easily get him into trouble, because he's the last person to ask for help when he needs it and he's far too stubborn to ever admit when he is wrong.
Fears/Motivations: Ailwin is afraid to choose a side in the war. Being halfblood puts him enough at risk, but he somehow thinks that if he never chooses a side, it's safer. Safer, at least, than actively fighting against Voldemort and his Death Eaters.
History: Ailwin was born forty years ago in Edinburgh, Scotland where he enjoyed a relatively normal childhood. He was the son of a muggle father and a witch and was exposed to both cultures pretty equally, never even realizing that this wasn't how every child grew up until he was old enough to attend school and meet other children his age.
Ailwin has always had a penchant for languages. He learned his first -latin- by the age of 7 and from then on he just kept going. His father, a linquistics professor at The University of Edinburgh, encouraged his son's gift and by the time he entered Hogwarts, Ailwin was speaking Gaelic, Latin, and French fluently.
His love for languages naturally translated itself to rune interpretation and he fell in love with the subject almost the first day he ever touched an Ancient Runes text. After all, runic tablets predated any other known language and, in fact, formed the root of language. Ailwin was fascinated. He also quickly developed an interest in History of Magic and Divination, which could be considered to be closely tied to the study of Runes.
After leaving Hogwarts, Ailwin played pro-quidditch for a few years before leaving his team to pursue his first love again - the study of runes and history. He teamed up with a muggle archaeologist and they started to go on digs together, unearthing artifacts and old runic tablets and learning what they could from them. This lasted until about 7 years ago when Ailwin's partner was killed in at accident at a routine dig. Ailwin carries the guilt of that day around with him still and hasn't been to a dig site since.
It didn't help that an old girlfriend, possibly the only one he'd ever really loved, was murdered by Death Eaters within months of this all happening.
Ailwin sought out the safety of Hogwarts after all of this, the one place he thought he could feel safe and where he could hide from what had happened to his partner. He applied for and easily got the post of Ancient Runes professor at Hogwarts at the age of 33 and that is where he has been ever since.
Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional:
Friends: Optional:
auror_cal has been Ailwin's closest friend since their first year together at Hogwarts and they still keep in touch, especially now that Cal is in the castle with him.
Other: Optional:
Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval, and if you are given special considerations, you are liable to be used for plots at the Plot Mod's command. He has a Firebolt from his days as a pro quidditch player that he keeps at school.
Prior School: Hogwarts
What house were they in? (Or would they have been in had they gone to Hogwarts?): Ravenclaw
Why were they in that house? (Or why would they have been in that house?): He's nerdy and unemotional. He embraces logic, is socially dysfunctional, and is a major geek for runes and languages - everything a good Ravenclaw should be ;)
Occupation: former pro quidditch player and currently Ancient Runes Professor at Hogwarts
If this is your 5th(+) character (Hogwarts and Atlas), please link to recent activity (or attempts at activity) for your other IG characters (I don't think I need to do this for a re-app, but if so, let me know)
MOD-ONLY QUESTIONS -- THESE WILL ONLY BE KNOWN TO THE MODS, please answer in a COMMENT to your application
Character Secrets: None, really.
Character Alliance: Neutral, but with leans toward Dumbledore. He feels it's somehow safer to not openly choose a side or fight in the war, but if forced to choose a side, he'd go with the good guys.