I haven’t got round to doing cards this year - we’re still on birth announcements! - and so I’m feeling very bad, particularly as some of you have sent me such lovely cards and gifts. So I’m doing this post instead to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and share some things I’ve been thinking over the last few months.
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Comments 8
Sigh you are prly right about resolutions are made to be broken. I find that that particular one, even if I make it every month, is usually broken within a week. When I am feeling really hopeless, I try to remember what God told Joshua in Jos chpt 7 (very loosely paraphrased) "Get up, sanctify yourself, and try again" Or as I loved to teach it, it's all well and good, that you've fallen on your face before me, after trying it your way, and failing, now, get up, get busy, because the job still needs to be done, only this time time do it My way.
We truly have an awesome God.
Thank you for sharing.
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