Backstory! Or current story. Either way!

Nov 07, 2007 18:53

Name: Hazen Kenneth Crone (Ken unless you're trying to get him upset)
LJ: prof_kencrone
Played By/Physical Description: At the least, provide base details of build, height, eye/hair colour, and complexion. Ken has a generally average build. He's a little on the wiry side and has naturally dark brown hair and eyes, though he's been known to play with the length and color of his hair on a whim using various charms (this was especially true when he was in school, but the rebellious streak has carried over into adulthood rather stubbornly). Over the years he's collected quite a few tattoos along his arms. (PB is Anthony Kiedis)
Age/Birthdate: 43, born March 14th, 1963
Gender: male
Wand: 9 ¾” Poplar with Kneazle hair core
Blood: Muggleborn
Birthplace/Location: Glassan, Ireland
Status or Class: Lower Middle
Pet Name/Species: n/a
OWL Scores (For 1-7th Years):
Astronomy: A
Charms: E
Herbology: A
History of Magic: E
Potions: P
Transfiguration: A
Other Subject #1: Muggle Studies, O
Other Subject #2: Divination, A
NEWT Scores: (6th, 7th Years and Adults Only. Put N/A if not applicable):
Astronomy: A
Charms: E
Herbology: A
History of Magic: E
Potions: n/a
Transfiguration: n/a
Optional Other Subject #1: Divination (assuming he'd be able to carry on), A
10 Words to describe your character: confident, brash, committed, gutsy, unashamed, quirky, nonconformist, honest, impulsive, set

Personality: Kenneth is convinced that his parents weren't thinking straight when he was born, either that or they intended to make life difficult for the third of their four children by giving him as awful a name as Hazen. No one but his mother's parents have called him that since he was five and old enough to know to protest. He prefers Kenneth, Ken to his friends, and has gotten into a number fights over the years when people thought it was funny to ignore the preference.

Ken has always been the person that was going to do what he wanted, regardless of what others told him. He has to get burned before he'll believe he shouldn't touch the fire. Had his parents known what they were getting with him, they probably would have stopped at three. Or two. His first tattoo was an impulse and not well planned. It did, however, serve its purpose by disrupting a family wedding and seeing to it that his grandparents didn't speak to him for months afterwards. He's considered covering it over several times but Ken's never really shied from the consequences of his decisions, not since he shaved his younger brother's hair (unevenly) at the age of six and had a furious mum haul him off and tell him that when you mess up like that, you have to accept what comes as a result of it. The sore bottom wasn't pleasant but when he gave himself a matching haircut and stopped Liam's crying by telling him that now both of them were cool, she figured the point had sunk in- more or less. He has a rebellious streak and caused his parents no small amount of grief when he was young, but they could never fault him for being fake or cruel.

Strengths: Both magical and personality: Kenneth is nothing if not self confident. On occasion he goes too far but he never lets anything embarrass him. If he's going to do it, he'd might as well go all out and have no regrets. His parents drilled the idea into their children that they were the only ones responsible for their own actions. If you do it, you stand by it and you don't get to complain Ken took the idea to heart and to this day it drives him mad when people try to shove off their mistakes on other people. He wears his scars with pride because at least he's learned from them. Once he makes a decision about something he sticks to it. He makes friends easily because he doesn't put up a lot of pretenses. What you see is what you get. He's quite loyal to those he cares about and will sometimes stand up for a perfect stranger if he sees them mistreated- whether or not it's actually his business to do so.

Magically, Ken is nothing special. He's decent with wandwork and took to it quite naturally but he was never terribly concerned with his marks. He managed passing grades on everything he cared about but given more effort he probably could have done better. Being Muggleborn, he took Muggle Studies on a whim and did quite well through OWLS. He saw no point in carrying it over to NEWT level however, thinking the free period was a better investment of his time. He was quite fond of Divination and did take that through his seventh year, as well as History of Magic. Most people found the subject boring, but Ken was rather fond of it (probably because it appealed to his sense of strange and interesting, plus, it gave him great stories to share with his brothers and sister over breaks).

Weaknesses: Both magical and personality: Ken's rebellious streak leads to impulsive decisions, like shaving his head or stepping in the middle of a fight just because there is one and he feels like joining. Even though he owns up to his mistakes, he'd have a lot less to own up to if he just stopped and thought about what he was doing. Once he reaches a decision he's annoyingly set with it. Even if an idea begins to seem like a bad one, he'll usually stick it out because changing would mean he'd played it safe and that would just be boring. He has a tendency not to apologize so much as accept that he's done wrong and try to correct it, from which point he assumes whoever he offended will understand and move on too. This doesn't always work the way he wants it to. He's never settled into a career or anything predictably stable with his life. Being stuck with something he dislikes is the last thing Ken would tolerate and so he's simply never made the decision. He gets by (better than he perhaps has a right to) by moving through jobs- Muggle and wizarding alike- as fun opportunities pop up or his current position starts to lose it's appeal but he'll never be anything impressive or have much to show for himself.

Ken was always miserable at Potions. He never could figure the class out and he dropped it as soon as 5th year was up. Herbology never clicked for him either but he blamed that on an aversion to sentient plants. He finds the wand angle of magic useful but plant life that can talk back creeps him out.

Fears/Motivations: Ken generally lacks the drive toward self preservation that is required for fear in most situations. Too often he jumps into things with no notion or concern of how he's going to get back out. It's the experience that he's after and whether that experience turns out to be good or bad, he's game.

The one thing that has frightened him, truly and honestly, was the first rise of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Voldemort started stirring trouble politically while Ken was in Hogwarts but the Death Eater attacks began in force the year he graduated ((why yes, I did check the official backstory)). No one knew quite was what happing at that point except that people were dying- Muggles and Muggleborns particularly. It was the first thing that made Ken stop and think, the only thing that had, to that point, made him consider anything too seriously. Several of his mates from school joined the Order and got themselves killed over the next few years; some of his rivals joined the DE movement and ended up in Azkaban. His mum and brothers were killed by DEs in 1986. Kenneth is unnerved by history's current attempt to repeat itself. He tries not to focus on it though. Action is what he's comfortable with, not over thinking.

On lighter notes, his dislike for magical plants was undoubtedly helped along by an incident in his first year when he snuck into the greenhouse on a dare to see what NEWT level plants really were. The professor had to cancel the day's lectures and it took a week for the welts from constricting tentacles to fade.

He also has an thing about minor sicknesses. Sneezes and coughs tend to make him back away and find somewhere else to be. It's not a fear per se, just a quirk developed either from the time his mum left him in charge of his younger brother for an hour while he was sick (during which there was much sniffling, whining, nose blowing, and a nasty bought of hacking coughs) or possibly the time his sister threw up on him at the fair.

History: Hazen Kenneth Crone was born the third of four children in Glassan, Ireland. His parents were working class people with a house-full of children to care for. Their home was always busy- sometimes chaotic- but generally it was comfortable in a crowded sort of way. The kids got along most of the time, Ken being closest to his younger brother who, unlike their older brother and sister, had the sense to think that Kenneth was brilliant and provided a rapt audience for his adventures. Ken was the first in the family to have ever shown signs of magic and the letter from Hogwarts was a complete surprise. His father later remarked that that personality had to have come from somewhere; it only made sense he was a bit different.

The Crone's weren't sure about sending their son off to a school no one had heard of to learn magic- which was apparently real- but in the end, they agreed. It was quite evident in the course of his first year that there had been no mistake when the sorting hat put Ken in Gryffindor. Some of the culture clash threw him at first, but Ken jumped head long into the wizarding world and ran with it. He didn't shy from anything. He got into a few fights- mostly over the blood status he didn't have or his real name which was not to be used- but nothing too serious. A black eye here and there and some hexes got the point across and then he and his classmates could coexist once more. Marks weren't his primary concern, though was sure to talk up his better scores in letters to home and he took every opportunity to share the best stories over hols. He enjoyed watching Quidditch and helped prank the opposing team on game day but he never tried out himself. One downside to being Muggleborn and having three siblings was that broom shopping wasn't high on his parents' list- never mind that when it came to it, Ken was (and remains to this day) rubbish on a broom.

After Hogwarts came the first war. Kenneth wasn't sure what he wanted to do post-school and he jumped from jobs as they suited him. He stepped in with some of his friends and helped the Order when they got desperate enough to let a bunch of headstrong kids run errands for them but he didn't get very far into it. The cause was good and he had nothing better to do but the idea of joining into a war he could choose to side skirt didn't appeal to him. When his mum and two brothers were killed by Death Eaters in a random attack, he was done. Ken has continued to move through jobs over the years, keeping ties with Muggle and wizarding friends. Magic is a tool, and a very useful one, but he doesn't want it to define who he is. He's still close with his father and his older sister (who's married now and has given him several nieces and nephews to play with) but he tries not to come around too often. No one says it aloud anymore, but he still feels partially responsible for what happened, as though if not for him magic would have continued not existing and none of them would have died. Too much time with Leah or his dad makes Ken feel guilty so he spreads his visits out- not to mention that well liked or not, he's always been the black sheep of the family.

When Dumbledore mentioned there was an opening in the Charms department, Ken asked if he needed someone and said he'd take it. He's not sure why Dumbledore would want him back, let alone teaching impressionable minds, but it sounded like a fun gig.

Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional:
Friends: Optional:
Other: Optional:

Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval, and if you are given special considerations, you are liable to be used for plots at the Plot Mod's command. None.


Prior School: Hogwarts, attending 1974-1981
What house were they in? (Or would they have been in had they gone to Hogwarts?): Gryffindor
Why were they in that house? (Or why would they have been in that house?): Ken has always been the worst kind of Gryffindor stereotype. He's more action than thought, which works for him as his intentions are good (at least not malicious) and he has a knack for coming out, if not unscathed, than satisfied. Directed ambition has never been his thing. His loyalty can be random, sometimes broad and other times limited to only those he's close to. He's perfectly satisfied with someone else knowing how something works and assuring him that it will without needing to know the whys. If he sees something he considers wrong being done though, he'll jump in whether or not he knows any of the people involved. Ken isn't necessarily a model of “straight and narrow” but he does have a set core of morals that he sticks to and will defend.
Occupation: Recently hired as the Charms professor for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
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