He'd heard about the infamous closet that Rover deposited prisoners into. He never expected to end up in it. Methos pulled in his long limbs and settled in, sighing.
He'd sensed the buzz of an Immortal as he'd left the apartment that morning. He'd been cautious; with both Duncan and Amanda in town now, it would be a common occurence. But he didn't forget Kenny, never. So he was aware as he walked to the school.
The buzz never passed off, but no one approached him. He unlocked the library doors and went in.
He heard the gun go off an instant before the bullet hit him.
Upper left of his chest, close to the heart. If Kenny's aim had been a little better, or a little luckier, Methos would be a headless corpse now. Instead, he dropped to the floor, hurt, bleeding heavily.
Kenny's next move was genius, if cliched. He pushed a bookcase over. The case landed on Methos' legs; he felt the left shin bone snap. But Methos hadn't made it to 5,000 year by being an easy mark. He rolled his upper body, levering against the bookcase, wincing as the bullet wound in his chest pulled and then healed. He managed to get his sword free to block Kenny's swing.
His next stroke went through Kenny's knee, and he fell. That gave Methos time to wiggle free and get to his feet. He held out his sword and dropped into a swordsman's crouch. Kenny stumbled a few feet, recovered as he healed, and with a growl swung, cutting deeply into Methos' leg.
Long, long, long reflex made the next move instinctive, and Methos cut off his head.
Then he looked up, and Janet was there. ((OOC Note: I'm just going to assume that Rover scooped Methos out of the library within an hour or so, and that Methos is stuck in the closet until after Parents' Weekend. If anyone wonders where Methos is... only Janet has even a clue.))