
May 10, 2010 19:20

Mehhh, do you ever have one of those days where all your insecurities just rise to the surface? And often about the stupidest things, as well. Yesterday night and today have been just that ( Read more... )

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Comments 35

dawnnamira May 10 2010, 18:39:57 UTC
I hope I haven't been making you feel like this.

A lot of people have been having finals and stuff recently, that's a possible reason?



machineish May 10 2010, 19:35:53 UTC
Oh yes, I know it's finals and all that stuff. Like I said, this is just a brain fart or general idiocy.


dawnnamira May 10 2010, 19:38:33 UTC
But that doesn't mean it feels any better bb, I know. >:


machineish May 10 2010, 19:39:39 UTC
Yeaah, but it's no reason to get emo. It's more a reason to stab yourself in the eyes and go.

Oi. Stop being a whiny git.


knowsgunfu May 10 2010, 19:33:12 UTC
Considering you're already telling yourself you're being silly, I think you know that. But the fact that people were asking you to RP and all means they enjoy it. Sometimes they really do just get busy, and sometimes they just need to take a break from RP.

Seriously man, chill. This is about as daft as you deciding that I don't like you.


knowsgunfu May 10 2010, 19:33:51 UTC
...And this is Niki not realising what account she's logged into before she posts. Ohhai.


machineish May 10 2010, 19:35:17 UTC

I know, I'm so aware I'm being silly. Gah, I just need to smack some sense into my daft brain.

Tch, stfu. I know you don't like me, it's why you're getting possessed smoke alarm pieces in the post.


machineish May 10 2010, 19:36:18 UTC
This is also Ena. In a random rp account. Derp.


mewtwowarrior May 10 2010, 22:07:44 UTC
*huggles* I have days like that all the time, so I know how you're feeling.

I still want to RP with you sometime, I just haven't been feeling well lately, I haven't been getting enough sleep. I do miss RPing with you though.

And you're one of the best and coolest people on the Internet, so you don't need to worry about that.


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