The Four Things Meme: Tagged by
stnukeFour Jobs I’ve Had
* Concessions girl at pool
* Ice cream scooper
* Shovelor of gov't sh*t
* Retailer
Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over Again
* Spaceballs
* When Harry Met Sally
* The Princess Bride
* Legally Blonde - don't ask
Four TV Shows I Love to Watch
* Six Feet Under
* Sex In the City
* Real World Las Vegas
* The Drew Carey Show
Four Places I've Been on Vacation
* Aruba
* Heidelburg, Germany
* Dublin, Ireland
* Milton, VT
Four Favorite Dishes
* Pumpkin soup at restaurant in Lake Tahoe, NV
* Thumb print cookies from the Happy Cake Bakery, which closed in 1990
* Anything Adam cooks except his version on jumbalaya
* My mom's fried okra
Four Websites I Visit Daily
* LJ
* Gmail
Four Places I'd Rather Be
* On a plane to Hawaii
* The center of attention
* In a jacuzzi
* On a masseus's table
Four Bloggers I'm Tagging
adialosdia *
punkiejeannien *
rene_hope *