I spent the morning communing with my kids - oh, you didn't know about my children? Well, let me
This is "Al" the newest plant addition. We rescued him out of the trash room at our complex about one month ago. I think he'll like his new pot given to him just today.
On the left you see Re-Dewey and on the right Dewey. They are my Christmas Cacti. Once they shared a pot, but Re-Dewey blooms red while Dewey is pink. So, a few years ago I split them. I got the combined Dewey because my military friend was moving to the UK and couldn't take any plants w/ him. His nickname is "Dewey" hence the plant's name. I think this was back in 2001.
This is Howie. He's been with me since 2000 or 2001. I sort of took him from a plant at ORNL. My bosses boss had this great cactus that had the most beautiful blooms. So, Howie started as one lonely, little stem "borrowed" from the bigger cactus. Today I had to thin out Howie because he had some cold damage. I left him out one night when it went below 40 degrees F. He doesn't like that.
This is Pheonix. He is a Hydrangea that I received as a gift from the director of "Proof" at DT. I made the Hydrangea bush for the show, and as my gift she gave me one of my very own. However, he is so named b/c this is his third resurrection. He's had a tough life w/ spider mites, over watering and now mold growing on his leaves. I think he's recovering from the mold. Plus, it's warm meaning he can sit outside where he really likes it.
These are my newest not quite out there additions. My seedlings were given to me in a seed card from
stnuke about a year ago. They will hopefully grow to be really large sunflowers, but I have to get them through the seedling part first, which can prove to be very tricky.
Ah, Sophie. She is a Wandering Jew that I have had since 2000 when a roommate moved into my apt in Oak Ridge, TN carrying these scraggly little stems w/ leaves in a little plastic cup of water. We put them in soil, and you see what happened! Since then Sophie has made many a person happy over Christmas and Mother's Day b/c her offspring are everywhere.
This is Pete. He and I have been together since 1996 when my Freshman year roommate left him to me when she moved out of the dorms and back home. Since then Pete and I have lived a lot of different places and had quite a few serious talks over teacups of Vodka.
Re-Pete is one of Pete's many offspring. He hasn't so much liked life in this pot, but I don't have another one for him just yet - perhaps this summer?
So, there you have it. I have quite a brood, and they never cry nor fuss...they do wilt when I neglect them, though. I highly recommend having plants of your own. Let me know if you would like a little Pete or Sophie of your own to start!