General Collection Post #1: Photos

Mar 04, 2015 00:44

Okay, so I've finally gotten around to taking halfway decent pictures of some of my other Pokémon paraphernalia. There are many pictures, so I'll split them up into two preliminary posts. But I have a bunch of things left to photograph, so there will eventually be more posts in this series. Now then, on to the cut.

The Lickitung in front is reversible; when turned inside out, it becomes a Pokéball!


Water Squirters


(The bottom row come from the limited-time Pokémon cereal mail-in sweepstakes.)

Awesome Mew & Mewtwo Burger King light-up toys

Pokéball Figures
(without keychains)

Assorted Brand Toys
(Mesprit is missing its tails, unfortunately.)

More Assorted Brand Toys
The only ones that don't do a thing are the Mew and the Blastoise. Monferno and Cranidos speak and light up.

Pokémon, collection, plush, toys, pics

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