Let's Play The Spirit Engine 2

May 28, 2011 13:30

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Final Chapter: World Eye

Time to stop the hell out of a crazy person!

Batiste, you have to stop this! The World Eye is twisted. It has been for thousands of years, ever since the storm. It's not working properly. You're not controlling it, it's controlling you!
It's built to respond to thought and it's trying to give you everything it thinks you want. But it won't ever be enough.
It can't give you the things you need, Batiste! It's just a machine. All it can do is destroy! You've already killed Shala and Shara and Clay.

They never really loved me! All that ever interested them was the power and the dream that I promised. That's all I've ever had. That's what my father taught me about leadership.
This world took the only two people who ever truly cared about me, then tried to take their memory. I shall set it right! A world with no more lies, no more inujstice, no more oppression.

How do you plan to set Medea free, Batiste? By killing everyone? Because that's what you're going to do if you keep this up!

Hahaha! What's wrong, old man? You're not going to be around to enjoy our future for much longer, so why should you care? Your wrold lies in the past. Seek solace in your memories.

This isn't going to end well. Whoever built this thing should have thought of what would happen if an emotionally damaged child ever climbed into it. A height restriction is the least they could have done.

Medea is rapidly becoming as unstable as he is. We have to get him out of there, now.

This place is our birthright, Denever. Why the hurry to leave? You should familiarize yourselves with the legacy in our blood. The World Eye is an amplifier for our latent power which can operate on a global scale.
I can see it all from in here. The past, the present, the future. I shall crush the Rakari and all their puppets. I shall wipe away the idiot masses who let their minds be ruled so easily, those who slew my parents and burned my beautiful country.

This isn't the right way to do this, Batiste! It isn't even what your father would want. You're putting words in his mouth, but he can't offer you any guidance because he's gone, Batiste. He's dead and he's not coming back!

Get out of there, you lunatic, or we're going to drag you out, kicking and screaming! This is your last warning!

Warning? Hahaha! You would dare to warn me? You can't touch me anymore, with your words or with your fists. Not in here! I am transcendant!

Stick to the plan. We have to distract him and pray that Darak can disrupt his connection to the World Eye before he finishes with us.

World Eye

Okay, the first problem we face with fighting Batiste:

Piercing resistance: 100%
Concussive resistance: 100%
Magic resistance: 100%
Ethereal resistance: 100%

As he rains thunder and hurls boulders, we have no way to harm him.

For now, we go full healing - Heal, Aurora, Recover, Fortify, Power Imps.

The aura's down! Time to bring the fight to him!

Damn! The window was too short.

New plan required.

Denever charges...

And charges...


Darak's done it! The link is broken!

Why couldn't you just let me be happy? I don't know what you've done, but I still have enough power left to deal with you. I'll bury you here alongside my dreams!

[ BGM - Final Cry ]


Batiste is invincible as long as those orbs are up. This is tricky, since it requires breaking the back orb out from behind him.

His attacks are mostly magical in nature, so PyanPau alternates Heal and Aurora while we take down the rear Power Node...

His defenses are down! Time to bring him down!

We only have a short time before the front Node comes back up, and his resistances and armor are high enough that PyanPau still can't hurt him with Wrath.

He's just barely damagebale while one Node is down, but they only revive with about a thousand health, so I'm gonna keep trying keep both down.

Just gotta keep balancing the two orbs with attacking Batiste directly...

He's a Large target whenever the larger aura is visible around him, and a normal sized target whenever it isn't.

In addition to our own beatdowns, Isabelle's machine in the back is occasionally opening fire with concussive damage.

I've got the pattern down! Keep hurting him!

When both are up, it's time to lay down the law with Thunderstrike and Lucky Shot.


Something's happening to Batiste!

Batiste's next form, even with the Nodes down, has all armor ratings over 500. Normal attacks won't help us here!

For this, we're back to the DENEVER CHARGE strategy!

Still infused wtih the power of the World Eye, Batiste is turning the land itself against us!

Also, he's summoning some new minions.

His Constructs don't grant him invincibility, but that's far from a reason to let them stay up. While Denever charges, Ionae and PyanPau will take the front one down at least...

And then Denever strikes him for over a thousand damage!

While his piercing and concussive armor went up, his magic resistance actually went down, meaning that PyanPau can hurt him now!

Again, I've found the flow of battle, and I just have to keep it up...

PyanPau's running out of Chi! He's in some grave danger now...

He's faltering again!

Batiste is up against the wall. This is his final form!

Weak defenses. No tricks.

Just raw, incredible offensive power.

We need every advantage we can get to keep that sword away from us - the second hit nearly felled Denever.

Ionae's dodge chance. Powder Imps. Healing. All setting up for Denever's powerful strikes, while Scratchy lays down cover fire.

You're done for, Batiste!


Batiste, it doesn't work like that. Too many people have died here today. We're not adding to that number. It's over.

Batiste, no! You're not thinking straight! You don't want to...

I have nothing left here! Everyone who ever loved me I've lost or...

Oh God. I've ruined it all. I wanted to bring truth to the world. I thought I could free my people. My whole life I've tried so hard to fulfil my duty, but I couldn't change anything. This world will go on without me.
It could all have been so different. Father, I can never take your place. You must be so ashamed of me.

You're not your father, Batiste! You don't have to follow him. There's still time to...

No! It's too late now. I don't want to hear you patronize me any more. Just leave me alone, all of you!

I just want to be alone.

It is my turn at last. Too old and too slow. I always wondered how it would be, when my good fortune or my body finally failed me. It... It is not as bad as I had feared.

No! Don't talk like that, please! You mustn't give up. You've never given up before, and neither shall I.

I can't move it. I'm not... I'm not strong enough. I could have been, but I threw it all away.

Stop your struggling, my dear friend. You're only human now. There are some things we cannot undo, no matter how fierce the fire in our heart or how deep the desperation in our soul.
That is life, and what makes every moment of it so precious.

If this wrenching pain is life, then I don't want it! It hurts, Denever. It hurts, and I don't know how I could ever make it stop.

It is a wound that I have suffered all too many times, and that will heal with the passing of time. My dear, sweet Ionae, you must be on your way. This is no place for you to linger.

I don't want to leave you here, alone...

I shall not be alone for long, my friend. I hear familiar voices calling me to green fields where no feet as young as yours should ever tread. Look me up in fifty odd years and I shall make introductions.

Denever... I don't believe in that.

I know. But I do, and we can't both be right, can we? Now leave me. I am at peace...


They've left me. I'm going to die here, buried beneath tons of stone, this frail body crushed beyond recognition and left to bleed into the earth.

This life has been so short. So much left unsaid, so much left undone. So much that I would have tried to do if only I'd known how little time I had left.
No great reward ever lay waiting down here for me. Why could I not summon the reason to abandon this mad charge? What curse is this pursuit of what is right, this wrenching pain in my chest that I felet as I tried to turn away?
It has lead me to my doom. I gave away so much to be a part of this world. This was my first and my only act of selflessness, and it is rewarded with my death. What mockery of these creatures' faith is this?
There is nobody above looking out for them. There is nobody looking out for me, either. Denever is wrong.

I wish he weren't. I wish a great many things, but I no longer have the power to do anything but sit and wait for my end. Why, then, instead of feeling despair, do I feel... proud?

I wish I weren't alone here at my end. I would have liked some company, selfish as that might sound. If only PyanPau were here, he'd know what to say. I can almost here his voice now, calling me from above.

Ionae, are you down there? Grab the rope, quickly!


Ooof! Ionae, c'mon, loosen up a bit. You're crushing me!

Don't you ever dare leave me like that again, do you hear me? I can face all manner of perils in this world, but not alone. Not alone...

It's alright, Ionae, I promise. You're safe now. We were never going to leave you down there. Come on, my friend, dry your eyes.

Where's Denever? Is he still down there, Ionae? We have to get him out, too!

PyanPau... Denever didn't make it. The wall fell, and he...


I'm sorry. We tried, PyanPau, but there was nothing we could do. He told me to leave him, and I did.

No! Please, Ionae. We've come all this way together. It can't end like this.
It isn't fair. I never had the chance to say goodbye. I should have been there, but I was toob usy running on ahead.

You were holding Isabelle. he knew that, PyanPau, and he knew how you felt. He wasn't sad. I know he wouldn't want us to be, either. He just wanted us to get out safely.

Oh, poor Denever...

We are all deeply sorry for the loss of your companion, sir. He gave his life in service of a cause even greater than his country, and I assure you that his bravery will not be forgotten.

Who are all these people? How did you know where to find us and why did you come? Jaques?! Is that you? You're still not dead!

He plays down the seriousness of his condition, as always. The doctors say he needs to conserve his energy if he's to have any chance of recovery.

I never had much time for their prattle. Thank heaven they're gone. Why has nobody brought me the cigarette that I called for? (cough) Does the last wish of a man on his death bed mean nothing to you people?!

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Brigadier Debastille, commander of what remains of the Yaegaran army in this region of Medea.
Beside me is Captain Williamson, my Lereftese counterpart. We found Mr. Zerau lying in the ruins of Longreach, clinging to his life through sheer strength of will, refusing to accept the fatality of his wounds.
The fighting stopped when the tremors began and soldiers on both sides scrambled for salvation. The ground swelled like the ocean under a spring moon and broke around us.
As Captain Williamson and I sheltered in the ruins of the great hall where we had fought not five minutes earlier, Mr. Zerau spoke to us in shallow breaths of the deceit that has been wrought upon our two nations.
With the world shattering around us, we had no choice but to believe him. Admist the thunderous upheaval and the roaring clouds of dust, the good Captain and I rallied our remaining troops and scaled these rising peaks to find you.

The fortress has been swallowed whole by this cataclysm, as have too many good souls on both sides. I hear we have you and your valiant comrade to thank that we did not lose more.

If only we'd reached the Mausoleum five minutes earlier... Just five minutes could have saved us from an eternity of this anguish. And Denever might still be with us, along with all those people.

You did the best you could, my friends. Another five minutes more and doubtless we would not be left alive to have this delightful conversation.
What is done, is done. What might have been can only torment us. No child should ever have been given that much power.

From what I've seen, grown-ups don't do much better with it.

The girl is right. We should all be ashamed that nothing short of the end of the world could tear us from each other's throats. We never took the time to sit and talk and realize just how much we shared until it was almost too late.

If any good comes of the Prince's bitter legacy, let it be a vow that we treat each other as men, and not as citizens. What has become of him? Is he still down there?

Yes. He wouldn't leave in the end. He wanted the Eye so much and now he's buried in it, along with his companions. He made sure that it can never be our future. It's only fit to be a tomb now.

It is a pity that the mangy cur never had the courage to survive his own misdeeds. His proper place is in a court of law where he could answer for his terrible crimes before being sent to the gallows for them.

I don't know if he could ever give us those answers himself, Captain. It's strange. I ought to hate him, for all the lives he's taken and for all the damage he's done.
But at the end, as he lay crying on the floor of the chamber, all I could feel was pity. He needed something that he knew he could never have and that the World Eye, try as it might, could never give him.
He needed his parents, their love and a decent childhood. But all the power in Medea can't turn back time and undo the mistakes we've made.
That's what makes history so important. We're utterly powerless to change it. We just have to live with it as best we can.
I don't think Batiste could bear that. He mistook control over other people's lives for control over his own.
I doubt that he ever understood what he wanted, even at the end, when the World Eye made him a slave to his own desires. When it did all of this to try and fill a bottomless hole in a young man's broken heart.

Were we still too late? Just how much damage has he done?

There can be no way of knowing until the dust settles. From what we can discern, this incomplete upheaval stretches from horizon to horizon, as far as the eye can see.
If the young Prince's intent was to redraw the map of Medea and change the dstiny of our people then he has succeeded, though I doubt in quite the way he intended.

I would have forwarded what we know of his deceit to the Offices of Defense, but I don't know if they even still exist. I've heard nothing from our Rakari.

If Batiste was able, no doubt he killed as many of them as he could. They came to humanity two thousand years ago, looking for sanctuary and you attacked them. It's little wonder that they've kept you fearful of yourselves ever since.

If the Prince could reach that far, then we have no way of telling what horrors lie beyond the rolling horizon. Do any of us have a homeland to return to now?

So, my friends, we find ourselves stranded at this summit atop a sea of dust, alone with this grim and freshly unearthed legacy.
The question arises. Are we slaves to it like the lost Prince? Thet continuation of all that has been before? Can we discard our past to advance ourselves, and if we can, should we?
Do we not lose some important part of ourselves in doing so? Do we not owe something to those whose futures crossed wtih our pasts?

I don't know, Jaques. I wish that Denever were here with us now to speak his mind, but he was a good man, and I think I already know the spirit of his words.
Vengeance is the worst thing we could seek right now. THe Rakari have suffered, too, and if we are to ever coexist, we must find a way to respect each others' space on this crowded planet.
In the meantime, we have families to find and homes to rebuild. We find ourselves on top of the world, and when the dust clears, we shall be able to see everything.
We have a great many important decisions to make. We may not have the power to change the past, but we can all change the future. Please, let us choose carefully.


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let's play the spirit engine 2

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