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Okay! Time for some CHARACTER CREATION.
Month of the Cup! Also known as September.
I was planning to make characters over and over until I got a birth month I liked, but this is actually pretty good. All of these effects will benefit me nicely.
Here it is! My EXTREMELY IMPORTANT randomly-generated backstory.
The people have spoken. I am a dwarven priest.
TIME FOR A PERSONALITY! You can skip this part if you want to, it's long.
You return back from your hunting trip and you notice that your cottage is on fire! Already half of it has burned. Do you...
...try to save what you can by any means!
...let it burn and build a new cottage somewhere else?
...rush over to town and demand money for your lost cottage?
...suspect that someone tried to assasinate you and stay on guard?
You are called home to run your late father's shop, but you are on a spiritual quest. Do you...
...return home without a moment's pause?
...stay to follow your quest indefinitely?
...send some poor farm kid in your place!
...continue questing in hopes that the shop will still be there when you finish?
Now that you are old enough, your parents gave you a sword and a leather armor to practice with. While you are practicing with the goblins in the plains, you hear a dirty laughter nearby. You sneak up to the nearest hill and see a group of four raiders torturing a farmer. Will you...
...stealthily walk down and ambush the raiders, trusting your skills?
...run away, because what chance would you have against the brigands?
...wait to see if the raiders would leave soon and then go help the farmer!
...quickly scout the area for help?
You are walking on the street, when you see a gang of men beating a beggar. What would you do?
...run to help the beggar regardless that there's five of them!
...quickly walk away so the men won't notice you?
...go help the men beat the beggar?
...shout to the nearby people to come help the beggar?
As you make your way toward the chain of mountains you have heard so much about, you stop for the evening at a village inn. Everyone gathers for the evening meal and you overhear a conversation between two seemingly well-to-do merchants. They are talking about a collection of precious jewelry which has been entrusted to them by an evil dark elven master assassin named Magrak. It seems they have been given little choice; sell the ill-gotten baubles on his behalf or live in the cold shadow of his sure, swift retribution. You saw the four locked chests carried inside by the merchants earlier and wondered at their contents, now you know what they must surely contain. Will you...
...attempt to aid them in their plight by plotting the demise of this evil thug?
...offer the merchants the name of a rich human enchantress you met in your travels who will buy much of their stock!
...wait until everyone goes to bed, then attempt to rob the merchants as they sleep?
...engage the merchants in conversation, hoping to learn more of Magrak? Surely one so skilled in his art must have something to impart to a young apprentice...
Your mind made up, you pack your bags and prepare to leave for the Drakalor Chain. Your pack is almost full, and you still have several items you would like you take. Realizing that you can only fit one more thing in your backpack, you decide to pack...
...a worn old dagger?
...a book of cantrips?
...extra rations!
...a length of rope?
While playing in the fields during your childhood, your attention is attracted by something glinting in the sunlight. It turns out to be a ring, definitely pretty, maybe even valuable. Will you...
...put it on to see how it will look on you?
...show it to your parents just in case there is something wrong with it!
...try to trade it with your friends?
...keep on searching in hope of finding more treasures?
In cold winters lots of wood is needed to keep your home warm. In the vicinity of your home there is a sacred grove that never was touched by your family. Two hours away, up a steep hill, is a forest, where your family used to fetch wood for centuries. Will you...
...fetch the fire wood from the far hills in order to keep in line with the traditions of your family, even if this means more hard work for you!
...fetch the fire wood out of the sacred grove because it's less work and allows you to spend more time on other things?
...risk some cold nights because it's too much work to fetch the wood from the far hills and you don't want to anger the gods by taking it from the sacred grove?
...fetch lots of wood from the far hills during summer, even at the risk of not having enough time for your other chores, because this will allow you to have a large enough storage for the cold winter nights?
While at a market, you discover a merchant selling a wonderful item you wanted to own for as long as you can think. Sadly you don't have enough money to pay him. Will you...
...try to steal the item in a moment of confusion because you *must* have it?
...try to earn some coins as a juggler on that market in order to be able to buy the item?
...wait until night comes and then slay the merchant and take the item?
...ignore the item for now and work more until you have enough money to buy it!
After ending your apprenticeship you travel the country for several years performing odd jobs in order to earn a living. While wandering the wilderness during an especially unrewarding winter month you come across another traveller, gravely injured by wolves and barely concious. Will you...
...strip the traveller of everything valuable and leave him to die?
...strike the killing blow of mercy, thus sparing him days of suffering with hardly a chance of survival?
...camp for a few days and try to aid him as best as your skills permit?
...carry him to the next village!
During your apprenticeship under an elderly wizard, you come across a powerful magical amulet of unknown power in a forgotten corner of his warehouse. Do you...
...tell your master of your finding?
...keep the amulet to your self, in hopes of gaining its powers!
...sell it, to get money for better living?
...leave it be and forget about it since this is not a thing that concerns you?
Personality established and stats tweaked! Now to pick some TALENTS.
Each character gets between one and four Talents at level one, depending on a variety of factors, followed by one more every three levels.
For my starting two, I pick:
Alert (+1 to Perception)
Hardy (+3 hitpoints)
Neither of these are very good - both were picked for the future Talents they unlock.
Some names are too good to change up.
Let's Play ADOM
Chapter 1: Terinyo
The game begins! Time for a HUD BREAKDOWN.
Top row:
Axebeard - My name.
St:19 - Strength. Determines melee damage and carrying capacity: 10 is an average person, so I am extremely strong. By normal person standards.
Le:19 - Learning. Determines skill increases per level and competence at reading spellbooks. These two were the stats I prioritized during my personality generation.
Wi:18 - Willpower. Determines hitpoints and power points and spell power. A valuable stat that I am glad to have high.
Dx:11 - Dexterity. Determines missile weapon skill and evasion. Ho hum.
To:13 - Toughness. Determines hitpoints and resistance to damage. Vitally important, pretty low for a dwarf.
Ch:11 - Charisma. Determines shop prices and little else.
Ap: 9 - Appearance. The least important stat, and also my lowest. Score!
Ma:13 - Determines power points and spell power. Good for casters, but Learning and Willpower are more important in my book.
Pe:14 - Perception. Determines chance to notice certain things in dungeons. Useful, but not essential.
L - My alignment, Lawful. Ranges from L+ to C-.
Bottom row:
DV/PV: 13/8 - Armor! DV is chance to evade or block attacks, PV is the amount that damage is reduced by. 8 PV at level one is ludicrously high. DWARVES.
H: 27(27) - Hitpoints! The one in parents is my maximum.
P: 18(18) - Power points! I use them to cast spells.
Exp: 1/0 - Experience! The 1 is my level and the 0 is my total exp. I need 218 exp to advance to level 2.
DrCh - Location! Currently Drakalor Chain. The entire game takes place in the Drakalor Chain, but this will get more specific as I visit notable places.
Sp: 100 - Speed! 100 is exact average speed. I want to make this much higher.
I can put a lot of other things in that last slot, but I usually stick to Speed! Speed is very important.
I guess I should explain this to people who don't know roguelikes!
There are no graphics in this game. Everything is text. The @ is me, everything else up there is terrain (this is the world map). ^ and ^ are mountains, . is roads, ~ is hills, and & is forests.
As for the thing to the west...
A town!
Tiny hamlet
Threat level: 0/5
What a quaint settlement! It's mostly empty void because I haven't explored it yet. # is walls.
And that t is... our first encounter!
Tywat Pare, the sheriff
Threat Level: 0/10
Special: Assigns quests
Tywat Pare assigns a quest to kill Kranach, the Raider Lord. I might take him up on it later, but not while I'm level 1.
Let's check out my gear!
Because I am a Priest, I automatically know if things are Cursed, Uncursed, or Blessed. Blessed items are generally better, Cursed ones are worse, and Cursed equipment cannot be removed.
I have various pieces of armor, most of which only increase my PV (damage resistance), and a warhammer. Simple enough!
In the bag! I have a holy symbol, which I shall now equip, and a variety of potions and stuff.
Despite what you think, a potion of confusion DOES have its uses.
First thing to do as any spellcaster: READ YOUR BOOKS. Otherwise, they're just dead weight, and so are you.
Unfortunately, Remove Curse costs 50pp to cast for me right now, and my maximum is 18. If I cast it, I'd drain over half my health trying to compensate.
Fortunately, Remove Curse is nice and situational.
More locals!
Threat Level: 0/10
Special: N/A
Threat Level: 0/10
Special: Trade rations for scythes or sickles
Rynt, the village elder
Threat Level: 0/10
Special: Assigns quest
The T's are trees and the ='s are water.
Let's talk to the elder!
"Us village is pestered by critters from da caves to the southeast. The village carpenter tried to explore the dungeon but was not seen again. It would be great if ye could discover his whereabouts."
Quest acquired!
Threat Level: 0/10
Special: N/A
Guth'Alak, the druid
Threat Level: 0/10
Special: Assigns quests
Unfortunately, Guth-Alak's quest is mutually exclusive with Rynt's. Onwards in exploring the town!
Three more unique NPCs!
Ygaaz, the fool
Threat Level: 0/10
Special: Trades booze for random potions
Muxnip, the human shopkeeper
Threat Level: 0/10
Special: Shopkeeper
Tiny girl
Threat Level: 0/10
Special: Assigns quest
This is a food shop! If I pick up any items inside it, Muxnip will move to block the door until I drop or pay for them.
It is possible to rob stores, but is not advised, as it causes some nasty effects for the PC AND the shopkeeper will be angry, and can summon thugs.
I'll buy a large ration for 24g and be done here.
"Hast ya seen my little doggie? 't disappeared near da dark hole on da pass... Me fears it got lost. Would'cha gettit back to me?
Hurry! Mommy sayz dere a bad bad things in da cave!"
Blup, the baby water dragon
Threat Level: 0/10
Special: Assigns quest
Blup is looking for his mommy. The chances of me finding said mommy are astronomically low.
Anyway, that's all this town has to offer for now!
Next time: Starting my new pair of quests!
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