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>> Chapter 12: Caverns of Chaos VI
Ominous floor!
I have important preparations to make here.
The floor of this part of the dungeon is littered with corpses.
Threat Level: 6/10
Special: Unique, fatal scream
If you hear the Banshee scream, you die instantly. No save.
There are two ways around this: Plug your ears with bees wax, in which case you can't hear it, or wield a wedding ring, in which case she mistakes you for her husband (male characters only).
The latter doesn't actually make her non-hostile, but can be abused to exploit the fact that the banshee's screem works on everything. It's a dangerous but amusing strategy to lure her to the Animated Forest and clear it out at length, resulting in a huge amount of item drops and a level 120+ banshee who's still trying to kill you.
Once her scream is neutralized, though, she's not that dangerous.
Now that the threat is gone, I want to be able to hear again!
It's a random named monster!
Let's not be close to it.
But for what reason was Bran-Lukar here?
As an artifact guardian!
So long, crystal shield! I have a new friend.
I know virtually every offensive spell!
Hit them with lightning! Let the bolt bounce and hit them twice!
This is extremely tedious, but the EXP gains are crazy!
Nothing special happens at level 20.
Next level at 840,268 experience.
Finally making some headway into the vault!
And back around the top! Their numbers must be dwindling now.
Iron golems throw down anywhere from 3k to 9k experience a piece. That's the only reason I'm still in this hellhole!
Another +2 PV. Next level at 1,134,461 experience.
...A true ADOM player knows when discretion is the better part of valor.
Hang on! A second up staircase? And where did floors 25-27 go?
There's an odd bit in the middle of the Caverns of Chaos where you go down several floors at once, then take the next few floors in reverse - we'll be done with it when we hit floor 25, which will then drop us to floor 29.
Meh, I got what I wanted to wish for.
What's this?
I can't pass the flames, even with my fire immunity! They're that hot.
For now, I must turn back.
While we're here: More selling shit!
Still not close enough! Let's sacrifice some of these artifacts I've found.
So long, Moon Sickle!
I said I wanted to hang on to this for abuse reasons earlier, but I don't need to now. I'll explain why in a second.
For now, we PRAY.
"Hereby ye art crowned to be my champion!"
You feel that neither thunder nor lightning will be able to prevent the success of your mission.
Something is lying at your feet.
I am now the Champion of my religion! This is a very important status to attain. Benefits:
-Boons! I get the above cloak, which is kind of redundant but the DV and PV are nice, and a necklace I can't identify.
-Blessing! I am now permanently graced with the "Bless" status.
-Immunity! I am now permanently immune to lightning.
-I can pray to the Gods for aid more often!
-Artifacts and invisibilit-granting items don't increase my food consumption rate as much!
-I can convert the altars in the Chaos Temples!
This is what the wrapping was about - the element you get immunity to is random, but won't include anything you're immune to at time of crowning. I didn't want cold immunity as it's not very useful, but now that I have red dragon scale mail, avoiding fire immunity takes priority.
Lightnning is about the best immunity I could hope for here.
Back up! Collecting some spenseweed for emergency healing on the way up.
And back on the surface. Now to encounter some new areas.
Next time: Mad science!
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