Let's Play Uplink

Aug 22, 2011 17:29

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Final Chapter: Faith

Arunmor today claimed Andromeda Research Corporation was again responsible for this attack.

It is not known what effect this will have on project Faith, but it is known that the Arunmor Local Area Network was used to store a great deal of research on that topic.

Uh oh.

Recent events such as the arrest of a high ranked member of the company and the theft of program code from Darwin Research Associates has led industry experts to speculate that now would be a perfect time for a launch of the virus.

Arunmor corporation has been working hard and have a prototype of the counter virus Faith, but it is not clear how effective this would be.


Revelation will infect a system, wait for a few minutes, then spread to two other systems. The original infected system will then be shut down. If too many systems get infected, we won't be able to stop it.

Connect to our File Server and download the Revelation Tracker program. This will keep you updated when systems become infected with Revelation, so you can connect and disinfect them.

You will also need to download Faith - our countervirus. This is run by copying it into the databanks of the infected systems, dropping into a command prompt, and running it.

There isn't much time. You have only minutes until Revelation spreads beyond control. Get moving.

Revelation_Tracker acquired. Faith acquired.

Time to fight the Cyberapocalypse.

But before I start taking down the spreading virus, I have something else I must do.

Time to crack ARC Central Mainframe!



Okay, ARC can't spread the virus anymore. Time to start fighting Revelation in the wild.

Thanks to Revelation_Tracker, I have the IPs of all infected systems.

Unfortunately, the currently-infected systems are Central Mainframes. Hacking into these is too time-consuming. I'm just going to let them die and spread, then attack the children.

Hack into system! Upload faith!

Thanks to my intrepid hacking, Faith grew to version 4.0, compared to Revelation's 3.0. I can take it down.

Don't both with monitor bypass! Delete local files to clear room!

Due to my relentless high-speed hacking, the virus looks like it's being contained!

Only two systems left - and one of them is ARC, which is running 1.0, so it won't spread.

Revelation 3.0 takes 2 minutes to take down a system, and this was 3 minutes ago, so all I can do for it is keep a sharp eye for further infections...

The moment it dies, it spreads to two more systems!

If I can take these down, then Revelation is history!


I shut them down the instant they raised their ugly heads.

Now to wait until it stops spreading to central mainframes...

And now, the only live instance of Revelation is the one obliterating ARC's own central mainframe.

Karma's a bitch.

Not a log statement to show for it!

Now to wait for Revelation 1.0 to burn itself out...

As you are proably aware, Andromeda Research Corporation has been raided and won't be doing any more damage at any point in the future. The key members of the company are facing some serious charges.

Once again, a sincere thank you from Arunmor Corporation.

Uplink Echeladder

However, Arunmor Corporation have been developing a counter virus known as Faith for the past few weeks with the aid of Government assistance, and have managed to stop the Revelation Virus from spreading to too many systems.

Federal Agents busted into Andromeda Reserach Corporation shortly after the virus otubreak and arrested staff members suspected of involvement. A number of computer systems were also siezed. This co-incided with a world wide effort to take down this rogue group within Andromead Research Corporation. A number of Uplink agents were also arrested in connection with the outbreak.

It is not known what will become of Andromeda, but it is clear that many of the company excutives have come to the end of their career at that company.

Federal Agents refused to comment at this time, but did say a statement would be released soon.

'Firstly, I make no apologies for what I have done. My only regret is that I did not succeed,' says the man, who has not yet been identified by Federal Agents. 'The internet used to be a place of amazing opportunity and promise - the last remnant of free speech and true anonymity. Now it is little more than an extension of the evil of Western Capitalism.

'Think of this. Do you have any idea how much money Arunmor will make from recent events? This is why I tried to destroy the internet. It only serves to line the pockets of those who would try to control us.'

'While the web exists, you will never be safe. Your entire life is on file, waiting for somebody to tamper with it. Your lives are being destroyed by the computers you desperately try to defend.'

It is believed this man will spend several years in jail for this crime.

He went on to say that he had little sympathy for both the defendants.

As punishment for their crimes, both members will serve eight years imprisonment and will be banned from the use of computers for life.

A special help line was recently set up by Federal Agents for worried members of the public, and they have so far received an average of ten-thousand calls a day from people who are terrified that their life records are now wide open due to this recent security scare. 'They just keep calling', said a Federal Spokesman today. 'These people honestly believe that somebody could just open up their records and change them as if they were in the public library. It's total hysteria.'

Since the collapse of the Andromeda Group, ARC has been exposed as little more than a front for their activities, and has shut down all operations. It is a wonder that nobody noticed ARC never released any products.

Arunmroe Corporation yesterday launched their new Active Virus Guard software, titled 'Faith'. This is an extension of the tool used to defeat Revelation, and thet makers claim it actively seeks out viruses and eradicates them. Sales have apparently been 'very promising'.

At the time of writing, shares in Arunmor Corporation had risen to a new high.

It's been two weeks since the fall of Revelation. I think I'm done with my life of internet terrorism.


My final target:


Time is scarce, but a simple Elliptic-Curve Encryption Cypher is all that lies between me and the admin section.

Why, look.

It's a list of all known Uplink Agents.

All data copied and decrypted!

Except for the missing #4, though - that's the file with MY agent data in it.

And out!

There's supposed to be a secret mission afteryou steal the agent list to give it to a corporation, but I must have missed a requirement somewhere.

Not too invested in the money reward anyway. I'll hook up my main bros Arunmor with the data.

Now, for my last act as an Uplink Agent!

To destroy the last remaining computer with a copy of Revelation on it.

By running it.

Farewell, Uplink.


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let's play uplink

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