Let's Play The Neverhood

Aug 22, 2011 18:56

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The Neverhood is a surrealist claymation adventure game from the mind of Doug TenNapel, creator of Earthworm Jim. It is the heart of my childhood. With no further ado, we begin.

Chapter 1: Wake Up

Oh, hello there. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you come in, probably because I was asleep.

My name is... hmm.

Sorry, I don't mean my name is "Hmm," just that everything seems a little fuzzy at the moment. I can see why you might be confused, though.

Oh right, it was Klaymen. Nice to meet you, but I'm afraid I'm not sure where I am just now.

[ BGM - Klaymen's Theme ]

Looks like this button here opens the window. Maybe looking outside will jog my memory a bit.

Nope, just trees. Doesn't ring a bell.

Nice trees, though.

What about this? I've always believed that no lever should go unpulled.

I think so, anyway.

Pulling the lever moved that great big ol' hammer, it turns out. It took a few tries, but eventually it blew that door right open. Lucky me, I didn't much fancy staying here for the rest of my life.

Okay, time for my first foray into the world outside of my little pink room.

My foray isn't going quite as well as I would have hoped. For starters, I seem to have been eaten by a monster.

Fortunately, it didn't think much of my taste. I almost feel a little insulted.

Okay, let's see what we've got.

A bunch of rings, a monster, a ladder and a door with a button on it. Well, opening doors seems to be my best bet, so let's try that button.

This door is not very welcoming. Not even a little.

What about the ladder?

[ BGM - Dum Da Dum Doi Doi ]

I sure hope this is a sturdy ladder. I don't much like the look of this.

I've got mail, though.

Klaymen! That's me.

I wonder who Willie is, though. He seems to know me.

Back up here again. Nothing left to play with but these rings.

Hey, look! The fourth one opens the door. Looks pretty inviting out there, doesn't it?

Oh, darn. I can't get to the door without letting go.


You're Willie's pet, right? Maybe we can help each other out a little bit.

Just hold still, and I'll hope I'm nice and quick...


I think we've found something that works for everybody.

Now, let's see what's waiting for us outside of that little house.

So this is the great outdoors. I was expecting it to be bigger.

We've got a few options here.

I could go straight, into this big red building...

Or right, into this nice round beige thing...

Or even more right, into this ominous purple cave...

Or left, into this hall with an 'H' over it.

I'm going to take my chances with the hall, I think.

[ BGM - Everybody Way Oh! ]

Nice place! It's got air conditioning.

I think somebody dropped something on the floor here. I'd better pick it up for them.

Okay, let's have a look-see at what we've got here.

Oh, it's one of those slidey puzzles.

These things are harder than they look, you know.

There we go! It made a nice gong-like sound when I got it like this. I guess H is what it was looking for.

Not just a little sound, either - this door-like wall turned into a doorway.

Well isn't that something to look at.

Someone dropped another one of these disc things.

I store things inside my stomach, by the way. I hope you don't mind.

Actually, now that I look at it, these discs are just right for that slot up there. Let's give the machine a spin!

Two discs, but slots for twenty.

Well, when faced with a machine, best thing to do is press the button.

"Um, hello!
Me Willie.
Me Willie Trombone!
These discs tell a story!"

"Story about good!
Story about bad.
These discs are all that are left of the true story.
True story of the closing of the third age!
Willie know that once you know this truth, then you know what to do!
Listen! I tell you."

Whoops, I'm out of discs. This sounds mighty important, but I can't learn any more without finding more discs.

I think that's enough for today, though.

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let's play the neverhood

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