... I was actually planning on getting things done today (and by "getting things done" I probably meant "draw fan art"), amazingly enough, but then I found a link to TVTropes on tumblr aaand
yeah there went my day. :| Time to procrastinate some more I guess.
Surprisingly enough I feel really childish when watching Avatar, which is odd because I felt perfectly normal watching My Little Pony. ... how does that even work. Since I've watched an amazing 5 episodes so far, my first impressions basically come down to "Aang is sort of adorkable (I was expecting him to annoy me for some reason, so this is pretty refreshing actually)" and "Zuko's voice is totally cool (does he have a lisp...? I don't even know if he does, lol)". Also I smile like an idiot whenever Zuko is onscreen because I can't seem to take stoic/angry/angsty characters seriously, ever.
Mostly I think I'm looking forward to seeing Azula get introduced, because I've heard all sorts of crazy things about her and now I feel very intrigued. (also, femslash opportunities)
2) Things I should probably do during summer break: draw lots of fan art, watch more Avatar, watch the ASoIaF adaption since apparently it's really good, and uh. Play video games. I should try to learn how to not fail horribly at Brawl, for example.
I have no idea how to play that game so I just end up dying over and over again. Also I refuse to use continues most of the time, so at the moment I have a huge pile of 8000+ coins just... sitting there, I guess. Seriously though, how do you get good at SSBB? I don't understand ;__; is it because I keep using Ike. Is that the problem
This one was finished a while ago, but I figured I should still post it because it's part of the FE 100 themes challenge:
I can't be the only person who thinks Nanna is really cute for some reason, idk.
Also, Geoffrey/Elincia art (finally finished, even though I wish it had turned out a bit better):
Something rather interesting about this piece is that I asked for concrit for it on dA and... actually got some. So I implemented the suggestions, and it should look better as a result. Honestly, I wasn't expecting to get concrit on deviantART even if I asked for it, but I did either way, which was really nice.
... so um I should get started on drawing WeepyDrunk!Heather now. :'D (... haha I feel so odd for not just constantly drawing my OTP)