i'm waiting for michael to call me tonight. so i decided to do that meaningful update. maybe get a thought or two out, and maybe a few in too
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going home tomorrow. first, bringing jessie to quinnipiac, so she can go home from there. so that shouldn't be too bad. I'll get home, latest 4:30, and then michael is coming by at 6? i don't know. either way, i get to see him again, and i am incredibly excited.
I'm chillin in my triple, kelly vomit-burps. and she walks in and says "whoever's g-string is in the shower, they need to get it out." uconn fucking rocks
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well, the plans have finally been worked out. michael and jeremy are coming down to uconn for dinner. i think him, jer, jessie, and i are going to go to red robin in manchester for dinner cuz it's sooooo good. omg. i'm so excited to see my baby!!!
so this week promises to go by incredibly fast. classes all week, working tonight, and tomorrow night, and other assorted things. friday is the day
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well, scratch the whole michael coming down thing. that definitely didn't happen. fucking snow. i fucking hate it. gahhhh.
now i can't find my friends. so i'm probably going to be sitting in my room all night by myself, with no tv, and my speakers don't work on my computer, so no music. this night fucking blows.
gah. less than 7 hours till michael gets here. i really hope he gets here ok. the weather is going to be super super shitty, and his car is an elantra. i just hope he's going to be ok getting here...i miss him...