Almost to the new year...

Dec 29, 2004 14:09

Well Christmas is almost over here- we still have the in-laws to go to and share the holiday with- so my overindulged children will get more this weekend...

Oldest- got the new Nintendo DS- I swear those things are going to be little computers soon- it is neat and looks great- but my mom purchased it for him not me...

12yo got loads of clothes-including a leather jacket (what do 12yo's need with leather clothing?) She got so many that I'm sure she will outgrow some of the clothes before she wears them all- but she was thrilled- I think the Share the Beauty bracelet was the biggest hit- but now she is after an echo loud bracelet- where-ever those are sold...

7yo got lots of art supplies, bike and sherpa boots- and a few other assorted thing...

The baby- who had zero toys before Christmas now has too much there- a 5 month old can only play with so much and when the thing he found the most interesting on Christmas morning was his feet- then it makes you wonder why he needed all the rest...

Hubby and I didn't exchange gifts- and my parents paid some of my medical bills- so that was good- one sister gave us 1 1/2 pounds of the best beef jerky though- and my boss got me brighton earrings- so not unhappy by any measure there...

My 12yo daughter got first place for her cookies (cranberry pecan oatmeal) and will bake against other girls in a council wide contest in January-

My 7yo's troops gingerbread house that got 1st place just got the People's Choice award yesterday- they did the Wizard of Oz- very cute- and the public voted from the weekend of the contest till Christmas!

the weekend before the holidays and learned that "demonic electronic baby things don't let you get much sleep" I pointed out that some of the real things are much worse and just think she didn't have to give birth or carry the bundle of joy for 9 months first- All the girls who participated- enjoyed the experience- it was funny to see them get so into the dolls before they took them for the night- I joked around with them and said that next meeting they could all bring their barbies- they didn't think that was funny though- Only one girl lost it at night- and attempted to shut down the doll but her mom didn't pay attention to the emergency shut down procedures and my son didn't wake me when they called at 3am... so her mom took over for her- and she was the most refreshed looking of the girls the next day...

in flurries only nothing on the ground but a few piles of sleet- seems the bulk of the white stuff fell all around us but not here- my mother-in-law in New Orleans was kind enough to share her fun of creating a snowman with my already overtired 7 year old and I had a few evil thoughts about her 2 hours later when she was still crying- the woman was kind enough to tell my daughter that had she and the rest of the family been at her house for Christmas we'd have all gotten to join them in the snow... of course we have always alternated holidays with her family and my family but every year she fusses when we aren't there- but has no sympathy when we miss things with my family...

for a friend of mine who has two kids (1st and 3rd grades) the oldest girl is in Girl Scouts with my younger daughter who is the same as the younger boy that he is sitting for... The two kids fight like typical siblings but what has been really bothersome is that these kids have destroyed things and eat like locusts... my 7yo's bike had to be repaired just two days after she got it because the older girl decided she wanted to ride it and broke the training wheels off of it- they broke the antenna on my daughter's cd/radio and countless other little things- but the food thing is really bugging me- my kids are not the type just to help themselves even at their grandparents- and although my kids (older two) fix their own meals without asking they'd never dream of helping themselves at someelse's house- these two have been all over my kitchen and telling them no doesn't seem to work- the girl ate a container of hot chocolate powder this past week (not the whole thing but got it all goopy and I certainly wasn't saving it after that) and just yesterday ate a pound of turkey lunch meat- my son called me at work today because he went to make lunch and there was only 2 slices left in the container- I told them to sit them all down and tell them NO more food at all unless he is fixing it... I'm upset that they are doing this but not sure what to do about it- the friend I am babysitting for is going through a divorce- pretty much found out that her DH wanted to leave and move in with a woman (he claims he has not had sex with but has been communicating with on the internet for over 4 years and is currently spending the holidays with her and her kids in Kansas) about a month ago or so... So I know the kids are not having a good time but the behaviors can't be overlooked- we have mentioned a few things to my friend but I don't want her to blow things out of proportion either... oh well- I'll approach the food thing as a concern for her daughter's health and well-being maybe that will ease the blow

The Earthquake and Tsunami- can't truly describe how that makes me feel- the loss of life at last check was 76,000 people- I find that amazing and heart-wrenching. I don't know how I could deal with that situation where you are enjoying yourself on vacation then all of a sudden your trying to survive... On a scientific thought they said on the news this morning that the earthquake actually altered the rotation of the Earth a bit and days are now 300billionths of a second shorter than they were- said that when it occured the Earth actually tilted on its axis a bit...

I have a big Girl Scout thing I'm working on that combines cookies, cats and spies all together- yes it can be done- lol- but I have had to get a bit creative to not go off in one direction or the other... that will be over in a few weeks and I will then breathe easier- planning things for the 28 girls in my older troop or the 24 in the younger troop or even the 52 of them together is much easier than doing things for 200+

Going to San Antonio in about a week- and still not sure who is watching my kids while I'm gone- semi tempted to pull them out of school and take them with us- but I know oldest won't join us and the 12yo really needs to be in school right now...

Going to Pasadena,CA over Mardi Gras holidays so my trip to New Orleans for that weekend is out- it is a work trip- but I'm hoping to get to see some sites while there- and I'm missing a big campout with my older Girl Scouts that same weekend- I know they will be fine without me but I wanted to go- they are staying in treehouses which sounded just way too cool to me...

Well I guess that is all for now- I will probably update sometime next year- (love being corny about that at this time of year-lol)

Hope everyone has a great new year and keeps all their individual resolutions- still trying to come up with mine- if I do and have time I may update those before the new year- much better to share your resolutions so others can hold you to them...

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