Last weekend, Mike and I went to his friend's halloween party and had lot of blast time there. Natalie was even there to see the commotion going on at the party which was pretty cool. I have a couple of pictures for you guys to go "Aww" and "oooh" at. Enjoy!
The last picture- I was probably half-way to being soo wasted that night! I was really slapped ass drunk. Not sure if any of my friends has a picture of me being completely wasted. I'll ask around to see if they have any- I have only one picture with a girlfriend of mine probably close to that stage where she and i was completely wasted.
I have a bruise from falling on the stairs coming downstairs.. Mike even saw me fall, How embrassing! *blushes* but at least he made sure i was ok hehe.
Oh yeah, Mike and I are offically together for a while now. I'm really looking forward to going to Audioslave concert with him and spending the thanksgiving with Mike and his family! I met his parents a couple of weeks ago, they are such nice people i've ever met!
School is going well, i've been studying pretty hard and doing stuff for Phi Mu lately.
Living in an apartment alone is a strange and scary thing to experience but so far it's not really that bad.
One bad thing? migraines are back with a veganance and it sucks totally. I think it has to do with the weather changes and stuff. I saw a doctor today and was ordered to rest for a while. She precribed me some strong painkillers for me to take when needed.
Otherwise, life is good! I can't wait to see mike tonight or tommorrow! Whichever will be fine since I'm seeing him tommorrow anyway because we watch the show "Lost" every wedensday together. Mike got me hooked to that show and it totally RULES. You guy should watch!!! :-D