Jan 06, 2009 23:11
It seems like I'll be on my own for a while...
Ah, Miss Eruka. Perhaps you'd care to stop by for an evening?
Dec 17, 2008 19:38
I've made you an appointment to have something done with that mess you like to call hair, Bel. Be ready to go by the afternoon. If you behave yourself, perhaps I'll let you get a treat on the way home.
Dec 16, 2008 12:26
So the Varia songs are out. For anyone interested, I've uploaded them here for easy access /o/
Dec 13, 2008 12:49
Belphegor. I don't know what you thought you were doing, but I want you out of the apartment by the time I get home. Take whatever you brought with you along and don't make plans to come back. I put up with quite enough from you already, and if you don't need me then I don't need you. I'm changing the locks, so don't bother trying to come back.
Dec 09, 2008 00:51
Tonight... It was strangely pleasant, I must say. I hadn't expected to meet anyone quite like that.
Bel, I... Well, for the time being, I think I'd like to put the water back in the pool. Just for a while. I quite like it the way it is now, but sacrifices must be made from time to time. That and I do believe we ought to have a little talk about
Dec 05, 2008 21:40
That beast tried to eat Fantasma. I believe that is the last straw. Bel, I'm getting rid of it.
Nov 12, 2008 09:37
The plan seemed a lot more effective before... It seems I'll have to rethink this particular security measure. That and a few decorating options... I liked that couch, too...
Bel, stay out of the closet until I say otherwise.
Nov 09, 2008 13:04
I'm sure you have other ideas about it, but I would like to remind you that my property is not free for your personal use. Stay away from my apartment, more specifically, stay away from my pool.
That said, I sincerely hope I don't have to repeat the process of sanitizing all of the bills in there. That took much longer than I would have
hate you so bad,
money laundering lol
Oct 21, 2008 07:24
Well, now that that's over... It feels like time for a change. I do believe a trip to the salon is in order.
Oct 14, 2008 01:42
I'm taking the week off.
Bel. Please refrain from touching any new structures you might find in the apartment. No matter what ideas you might get, I haven't built you a playhouse.
lol jews :|