I just watched the 4.0 BSG finale before running to the office. Ha.
Miniscule notes scribbled while viewing at 9am:
did Kara just refer to her LeobenTrap as a
the fifth isn't in the fleet????
ok prez Lee & cag Kara are totally hanging out now. let the ficcers rave!
"their nukes cocked and locked". heh.
"i love living and i wanted to thank you." oh gaius. *joy*
omg loving starbuck/athena doing the briefing together <3
ahaaaaa the crazy radio music is back! yesssss
ok tory & d'anna together? ft frakking win - evil twins
how profound...that humans on Earth frakked it all up so badly before their more advanced colonial brethren could get there to enlighten them. (or, make it worse, heh)
ETA: As you can see the above notes dropped away when all the truly, intensely WTF stuff started going down. :D Here are a few more notes now that I've seen it 2.5 times by stream today LOL...
Every single frakkin' thing that Adama, Lee, and Tigh did in this episode was a thrill to watch. Absolute highlights were Tigh's confession, Adama's howl of rage, and Lee comforting his father afterwards.
I really love the evilness of Tory...love that she jumped ship so fast. Loved her being Extra Evil with D'Anna...and what it portends about Tory's future with her brethren.
That ending. So fantastic, so jarring, so gorgeously shot! Like an Antonioni film, almost. THE SILENCE.
I very much agree, as usual, with what Alan Sepinwall
has to say. Especially about the performances, and about the fact that it would have been nice to see some more interaction between characters when the Final Four were revealed. It was a time issue -- as always on this show! (btw funny sidenote: I have become friendly with ProFan Mo Ryan this year, sharing squee and spirginality and scoopage via email. When she found out I'd had time to watch the streamed ep 2.5 times yesterday before the broadcast, her friend Alan Sepinwall emailed me because I was the only person either of them knew who had watched it besides Alan...and he was bursting at the seams to discuss it! Cute right.)
And about all these theories already flying around that 1) they are standing in NYC or 2) this isn't actually Earth...Huh? You know, I don't really need this "Earth" to end up being our actual Earth in order to get satisfaction with this series in the long run. But I hope that it turns out that the 13th Colony destroyed themselves -- that it was the same issues and foibles of human nature...the same ones that led the 12 Coloniels to the creation of Cylons, the Cylon Wars, the holocaust, and the final terrors that we have witnessed on BSG itself. That would be very profound. We'll see.
Make sure you check out Bear McCreary's
blog about the music...especially the really cool lyrics to the chorus that ran through the entire third act. Beatifully done.
Oh, and I'm hearing the streamed ep was longer than the aired one. Later this weekend I'll be watching the aired version to see if I can spot the differences and if it is anything that you'd care about.
ETA #2: a Sitrep reader just sent me this photo. OK, now I see why Sepinwall is convinced about that being the Brooklyn Bridge...
(click for larger)
A few fans on the skiffy board are discussing whether or not the view is actually from Ellis Island instead (
1 /
2 /
3 /
4 /
5)...which would also be kinda brilliant. I remain relatively unconvinced, but open to anything.
Some friends of mine who followed the spoilers are now saying they wish they hadn't...
I was spirginal and proud and LOVED THE EP.