Aug 26, 2011 17:42
Welcome to Il Promenade's first-ever Fourth-Wall Event!
This log will be open to new characters tagging in for three days, ending Sunday August 28 at 11:59 EST.
Post your characters below and share the links to their threads with whoever you wish!
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Comments 915
Eden's children and their cousins form their own little party, although there is a hideous looking boy with claws and teeth and a thick muscular tail who sits apart from them, looking sullen and jealous.
And further from the rest, a group of twelve motley looking teenagers are lounging around on the grass, filthy and crass. They drink and smoke and curse loudly. A small blonde girl leaps onto her older brother and begins to punch him in the mouth furiously until he goes limp and she gets off him, looking satisfied.
None of them seem terribly distressed by Prom's scenery, they're a magical breed, why should it trouble them? It seems, to them, like a new land: ready for conquering. ]
[[ooc; if you have ( ... )
Still she comes forward quietly at the beast's approach. She has the same large eyes as Eden, brown like a cow's, and there is nothing but filth and pitch swimming beneath that gaze.]
Greetings, doom wolf. I am Bethlehem, and you have done a kindness to my daughter.
And here is father Morrison, who welcomes you among us as gladly as I.
[A faint smile crosses his lips. Maybe he wouldn't go that far, but he inclines his head in greeting at all the same. He knows how this shit goes.]
Don't look away.
Don't even blink.]
Now look at each other- Oh, right, I'm sorry. Go ahead and just keep looking at me. We will pretend you have looked at each other, and now back to me. What did you notice? That's right, you're all weeping. Why is that? It's because of your weak, lady-like scent. With Old Spice Bodywash, there are no tears.
Disclaimer! Old Spice Bodywash is a bodywash and not meant to be applied to the eyes. There might be tears then, especially from those not manly enough to handle it.
It all looks very friendly and good-spirited, aside from the lone dark-haired boy that's placed himself away from the rest, and is very determinedly ignoring his older brother's attempts to ease his bitter mood.
Bowen might be looking a bit embarrassed by all the fuss, but obviously pleased to have his (real) twin sister there, finally. The other Asha has tucked herself into her (real) twin's side, and is unlikely to move away from him for a good long time.]
[[ooc: if you want someone specific, just ask in the subject line! Otherwise choice will be random.]]
Acacio Serna; Koke
(Desidero Fuentes; Koke)
Dominique de Tisi; Koke
(Jackie Bledsoe-Follet; Vee)
(Jast Albrin; Vee)Fela Luisa Delmas; Vee ( ... )
There is a quiet blargharghaaargharghaaargh carried on the wind.]
Oh, don't mind this kid. He'll just be standing nearby, silently judging you.]
Well hello! A fellow nature lover are you?
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