Mar 02, 2011 16:54


This is the mod approval post! Please feel free to utilize this post if you have any questions for events or plots. This post is an official approval post for events, plots, businesses etc... we encourage all players to utilize this post whenever they are unsure whether or not something needs to be approved by is.  On a whole, this post is checked twice a week. 
Ω  character run events that might effect more than two players.
this is mainly so that we are able to determine what is able or appropriate for the setting of ilpromenade and for event planning to place on the calendar.

Ω  character plots such as pregnancies, loss of powers, gaining of powers, MYSTERIOUS ACCIDENTS 
self explanatory. the mods need to be aware of character developments to make sure they do not go into the ooc area.

Ω  business/service requests
so we can determine if they are appropriate for the setting. 

!mod approval

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