vatheon App

Dec 26, 2010 00:07

[ Player Name ] : Tri
[ Personal LJ ] : trilies
[ Age ] : 18
[ Timezone ] : USA East Coast
[ Other Characters ] : N/A

[ Character's Name ] : Lea
[ Character's Age ] : 16
[ Series ] : Kingdom Hearts
[ Canon Point ] : Right after the events of Birth By Sleep

[ History ] :
Going to be remembered forever.

[ Personality ] :
Most people, upon first meeting Lea, will think he is loud. Annoying. Obnoxious. God, will someone just shut this kid up. This is all... Okay, it's true. Lea is loud. He can be annoying and obnoxious and there is little doubt that someone, one day, will punch him in the face. But that's not all there is to him, of course.

Call him what you like, but Lea is surprisingly empathetic. What's more, instead of ignoring others, he takes an active interest in them. For example, when he first meets Ven, instead of ignoring the depressed teen, he stops what he's doing immediately to check it out and cheer him up. Sure, he comes off kind of as an ass doing so, saying Ventus' keyblade is for kids and pretty much provoking him... But it worked, right? It got his mind off of whatever it was that was bothering him. Underneath it all, he's a nice guy. That much is apparent if you can put up with his nonsense for just a few minutes.

He also has a little bit of pride. Sometimes, he doesn't like to admit he's messed up and he is completely convinced that he will become immortal by becoming an eternal memory inside of everyone's minds. It's a pretty lofty goal, and possibly a hint of wanting stability. If this means anything is anyone's guess. Of course, when it comes to his friends (which almost anyone can become if they decide to be and spend two minutes with the guy), he's a lot more laid-back, willing to accept a defeat with a grin and a shrug, although he'll try and call it a 'draw' nonetheless.

Above all this is Lea's will. If he wants something, he will get it. If he says he'll do something, he'll do it. He has an inner fire inside of him which pushes him to never say 'never', to say he'll do or die and nothing less. If you have truly become precious to him, he will protect you with his life. This is the sort of strength which allowed a mere teenage boy to survive the horrifying and painful process of losing his heart late on in life.

One final thing: Lea isn't stupid. He acts like it, sure. This is more impulse and excitement than anything, however. He is quite clever when he just calms down and takes a breath. After all, this is the guy who, with Isa, managed to come up with a way to sneak into a castle. Sure, it may not have appeared to be heavily guarded with just two guys at one gate, but those were also two guys who didn't seem too concerned with taking on a giant monster. Lea is clever. Lea is sneaky. He has a lot of potential for a lot of things.. He just doesn't know it yet.

[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :
For all his 'potential', Lea is still a teenage boy. He's pretty physically active, sure, and he's not unfamiliar to schoolyard scraps by any stretch. (Note how he eagerly gets into a fight with Ven.) But he's no trained warrior or magician. Girls are still something of a faint mystery and he dreams of becoming bigger than he is. One day, yeah, as Axel, he grows up into a fighter and can fling fire however he pleases.

But he's just Lea. And while he might learn similar skills while in Vatheon, he doesn't come with them.

But again, there's his empathy, his talent for reading others to a degree. He's no mind reader, but he can take pretty good guesses. Again, he's also very sneaky and clever, able to improvise to a small degree.

[ Other Important Facts ] :
Mods willing, Lea knows a few... sneaky skills he's picked up here and there, perfect for sneaking into castles. It's nothing major, just lock picking, sneaky, and perhaps a bit of hacking. He can be quite the pest.

[ Sample ] :
How did this talk go into that kind of territory?

[ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] : A lot of this is well-placed (or at least the mun hopes so) guessing given what is seen in-game. Lea, unfortunately, is a minor character.

[rpg] vatheon, [ooc] application

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