[[video]] Glee! This is a nice wake up. <3prominence_glowMay 23 2011, 15:43:24 UTC
Mn, everything, Med. Last couple of days, my throat's really started to hurt, and I've been really dizzy. I get lost easier too- and I, like, never get lost, I know this place like the back of my hand.
I was wonderin' if you could visit or somethin'? I'd come over, but everyone says I should stay in bed.
[The lie comes easy to him, partially because he's just so used to it with saying similar to his parents to skip out on a school day or to try and get one past the guards. It's also mostly true, because he really is this sick.]
[Twenty minutes later, Medusa arrives at Stein's house, if you can call it that. It doesn't look so different from his residence in Death City. She approaches the door and knocks.]
[She looks automatically at the ceiling as she steps in. Stitches everywhere and the constant threat of aerial attack? Yes, this is Stein's house, alright.]
[[action]] True story bro.screwperseusMay 23 2011, 16:54:46 UTC
[She lets out a patient sigh. She is used to being a school nurse, after all.]
Staying awake for too long can have adverse effects on your immune system. If you relax and get some natural sleep, your symptoms should start to go away. What's been keeping you up?
Hello, Lea. You look terrible. What exactly seems to be the problem?
I was wonderin' if you could visit or somethin'? I'd come over, but everyone says I should stay in bed.
[The lie comes easy to him, partially because he's just so used to it with saying similar to his parents to skip out on a school day or to try and get one past the guards. It's also mostly true, because he really is this sick.]
Yes, I can come to you. Where do you live, exactly?
[He reaches for the SFC and types out the address to her.]
Alright. I should be there shortly. In the meantime, please don't exert yourself.
Oh, and watch out for the chocobo!
Heya, Med! C'mon-
[He steps aside for her.]
Oh, and watch out for Alex, he likes jumping onto people from high places.
So, Lea, when did you start showing symptoms?
Well... It was a day or two after Stein disappeared that I started coughing and getting headaches, so...
[Flopping into the doctor's trademark wheely chair, Lea tries to think.]
Three, four days ago, maybe?
[That's a 'kind of'.]
Demyx made me go to sleep once, and my body I guess doesn't do the whole 'not sleeping' thing too well.
[So he used drugs. :|a Th-The caffeine pills aren't illegal!]
Staying awake for too long can have adverse effects on your immune system. If you relax and get some natural sleep, your symptoms should start to go away. What's been keeping you up?
Just stay with me for a second- I swear there's a point at the end of the tunnel.
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