Into the nothing, faded and weary // I won't leave and let you fall behind

Aug 21, 2011 22:02

TITLE: Heart Grow Fonder
AUTHOR: Ashe; promisethesun 
FANDOM(S): counted_stars 
CHARACTER(S): Catty Turner/Kyp Durron
PROMPT: #131 On My Mind
RECIPIENT: Hannah, feilyn
PREVIEW/SUMMARY: Le futureverse~

The young girl brushes her dark hair out of her face, huffing loudly as she crosses her arms over her chest and stares up at the older woman stubbornly. It brings a smile to her face, one that reminds the girl of a deadly cat as the master leans in, hands on her hips.

“Is there a problem, Alana?” The name rolls of her master's tongue sharply, and Alana watches as the woman's head tilts.

“Master Durron, you always ask the impossible and expect results. How am I supposed to learn if you give me tasks that can't be done?” Alana doesn't back down, doesn't allow herself to feel intimidated by her own master, and that's exactly why Catty chose her. Stubborn and headstrong, the girl was a bizarre mix of herself and Kyp with an added twist of her own flavoring.

“Alana Saris, is that any way to think of your own abilities?” Catty straightens up, her smile softening into something more genuine, the expression at odds with her actions as she flicks the girl in her forehead. Alana scowls, but she doesn't move.

“It's better than the way you think of them, obviously.” The girl's lips thin out and her bright eyes flash before her cheeks redden. Catty takes no insult to the fire, but it's always amusing to watch her own apprentice learn from her own mistakes without a prod. “I don't mean to snap, Master, but this isn't helping me.”

Catty knows that what she asked her apprentice to do is impossible, and she has no qualms about it because that isn't the lesson. Humility, questioning, attempting to do what needs to be done, that was the lesson she was trying to drill into the girl's mind. It's a lesson that the poor girl was slow in learning.

She sighs, reaching out to ruffle the girl's hair, and Alana rolls her eyes, ducking out beneath the hand. “You have to trust me that I know what I'm doing. How are we going to have a trusting relationship if you always think you know more than me about how to teach you the Force?”

Another huff comes from the skinny girl, this one more relenting. “I trust you.”

That causes Catty to grin brightly, and she can see the inner workings of Alana's mind without even peeking in that she's calming to her master's presence, falling for every smile and quip that comes from her mouth. She doesn't mean to manipulate the girl in that way, but she doesn't strive to fix it either.

“Good.” Something buzzes against her mind, and she pauses for a moment. Her body relaxes in a way that it hasn't in a few days; she feels alive suddenly. “I think that's it for today, Alana. Perhaps you should meditate on why I would ask you to do the impossible. How does that sound?”

Alana's head cocks. “Boring. You're only sending me away because the other Master Durron is back. He's not very subtle at all, you know.” There's a soft hint of jealousy in her words, and Catty shakes her head.

“I hope you will never understand our connection, Alana,” her master says softly, a wistful smile on her face. “Perhaps that's what you should meditate on for now. Go.”

The girl rolls her eyes before rushing off, pausing only to stare up at the other Master Durron as he passed by her, and then she was gone.

Catty's eyes close when Kyp pulls her close, their foreheads pressing together. She breathes him in, feeling whole again. She's right; you're not very subtle at all.

I don't have time to be subtle.

That gets a laugh out of her as she moves to cup his face, thumbs brushing over his cheeks. His hands clench around her waist. It's simultaneous, the way they move in, kissing each other. We've survived a longer absence.

He growls, pulling her tighter against him, deepening the kiss as he enveloped and tugged her inside of his mind. She nestles there happily, opening herself to him. It's not the length of time, it's just the being away from you. I don't like it.

We have a duty to the Order. Besides, absence makes the heart grow fonder. It's only a tease, hard to maintain when he's already inside of her, already knows that she hates it when he's not with her, knows that she wanted to go, wanted him to stay. His hands drift over her sides, touch firm as he makes sure that she's really there.

I don't care. He kisses her cheeks, her forehead, before burying his face in the crook of her neck. Her fingers tangle into his hair as her lips brush against his temple.

Master Durron, I do believe that you're putting your feelings before the good of the galaxy.

If it means being with you.

She snorts, holding tight to him. “It went well, at least?”

“I'm back in one piece,” he mutters, teeth scraping gently along her neck, causing her to shiver lightly.


“I came straight here.”

Catty worms her way out of his embrace, hands on his shoulders as she stares into his face. He gives her that cocky grin of his, and she sighs. It's useless, to attempt to feel annoyed at him. “You should have gone to see him and the others first.”

Kyp leans in, capturing her mouth again to at least silent her voice. You're my priority. He takes her hand, threading his fingers with hers as he tugs her lightly; she follows instinctively, images of what he wants, what he needs, from her dancing in her mind.

Really, Kyp?

It's been a long few days. If they can't wait to hear what I have to say, they shouldn't have sent me without you.

character: kyp durron, game: counted stars, character: catty turner, !request 2011

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