I'm afraid of Americans, I'm afraid of the World

Aug 03, 2006 11:33

Put an 'x' in the box next to the things you`ve done.
[ ] I`ve mowed my own lawn before.
[ ] I have lived or currently live on main street.
[x] I`ve been to the police station for whatever reason.
[ ] I`ve ridden in a police car for whatever reason.
[X] I`ve drank spoiled milk.
[ ] I`ve gotten beat up.
[X] I`ve beaten someone up.
[X] I`ve lied to my best friend.
[O] I`ve cheated on someone.
[XXX] I`ve gotten drunk before.
[X] I`ve smoked a cigarette before.
[X] I`ve done drugs before.
[X] I kissed the opposite sex before.
[X] I kissed the same sex before.
[X] I have had sex.
[x] I`ve been away from home for more then a week.
[ ] I`ve gotten into a car accident.
[x] I`ve been robbed.
[x] I`ve broken the law.
[ ] I`ve been to jail / juvenile hall.
[X] I`ve had the cops called on me.
[ ] I`ve called the cops on somebody else.
[ ] I`ve had one of my websites deleted because of inappropriate content.
[X] I`ve seen porn before, accidental or not.
[ ] I`ve taken nude photos of myself.
[ ] I`ve been sexually harassed online by someone I knew.
[ ] I`ve been sexually harassed online by someone I met online.
[ ] I`ve stripped on webcam.
[ ] I`ve never been to church.
[x] I`ve never made my confirmation.
[x] I`ve never made my communion.
[x] I`ve never been baptized.
[ ] I`ve converted from the religion I was born into.
[x] I`ve been so drunk I couldn`t remember what I did the night/day before.
[x] I`ve snuck out of the house.
[ ] I`ve never touched drugs before.
[X] I`ve held a gun before.
[ ] I had to repeat a grade.
[ ] I failed more than one subject this year.
[X] I`ve been out of the country.
[X] I never had a job before.
[X] I`ve been out of state (province)
[X] I`ve been onstage before.
[ ] I`ve been in a play and messed up.
[ ] I participated in a talent show.
[ ] I can`t remember anything from when I was a baby.
[ ] I can`t remember my elementary school years.
[ ] I`ve skipped a grade.
[x] I`ve made straight A honor roll.
[x] I`ve made the regular honor roll.
[ ] I`ve never been on the honor roll.
[?] I`m in T.A.G. or used to be in T.A.G.
[ ] My longest relationship was only a week.
[ ] My longest relationship was a month.
[ ] I`ve never had a significant other.
[ ] I`ve forced myself to throw-up before.
[ ] I`ve tried to starve myself.
[X] I`ve been on a diet.
[ ] Sometimes I skip meals for whatever reason.
[ ] I`ve tried being a vegetarian and I couldn`t do it.
[ ] I`ve tried being a vegetarian and it worked.
[X] I`ve been to a private school.
[X] I`ve kissed someone in the rain.
[X] I`ve kissed someone in the snow.
[x] I`ve gotten detention at school.
[ ] I`ve gotten expelled from school.
[ ] I`ve gotten suspended from school.
[X] I`ve cursed at a teacher.
[X] I`ve been extremely close to dying.
[X] I`ve touched a live snake.
[X] I`ve been lost in my own neighborhood.
[X] I`ve taken medicine I didn`t need.
[ ] I`ve tried to kill myself before.
[ ] I`ve had suicidal thoughts.
[X] I`ve had sexual thoughts.
[X] I`ve had thoughts about killing someone.
[ ] I`ve driven a car while I was underaged.
[X] I`ve drank when I was underaged.
[ ] I`ve gotten lost in a mall.
[X] I`ve lost a loved one this year.
[X] I`ve set a fire while cooking.
[X] I`ve never been to Disney World/Land.
[X] I`ve damaged a room or more of my house by fire.
[ ] I`ve experienced a tornado.
[ ] I`ve experienced a hurricane.
[x] I`ve experienced an extremely violent thunder storm.
[?] I`ve lost electricity for a full 24 hours or more.
[x] I`ve been stranded inside because of a snow storm.
[ ] I`ve never seen snow before.
[x] I`ve passed out from excessive heat.
[*] I`ve gotten frost bite. (people tell me I was ACTUALLY just being dramatic)
[x] I`ve been dehydrated.
[ ] I almost passed out from running track on a hot day.
[ ] I`ve passed out in school.
[ ] I`ve been sent home from school because I was really (not faking it) sick.
[x] I`ve missed a week or more of school.
[?] I`ve gotten surgery, minor or major.
[ ] I`ve gotten braces put on.
[ ] I`ve been rushed to the emergency room.
[ ] I`ve made a prank call.
[ ] I`ve prank called 911.
[ ] I stole from my best friend before.
[ ] I`ve done community service.
[X] I`ve held over $200 in my hands (whether it was mine or not).
[ ] I`ve cheated on a test.
[X] I`ve cheated on a quiz.
[X] I`ve copied homework from someone else.
[X] I`ve let someone copy my work.
[X] I`ve plagarized someone`s work.
[X] I`ve been plagarized myself.
[X] I`ve made my parents cry (tears or joy or sadness).
[x] I`ve cried for no reason.
[*] I`ve stalked someone. (since she later became my girlfriend, it's not stalking.)
[ ] I`ve been stalked.
[ ] I hacked someone before.
[ ] I`ve done sexual things for money.

Bold/or X

[...] I'm gay/lez/bi
[ ] I have a boyfriend or girlfriend

[ ] I'm currently in Jr. High
[x] I'm currently in High school
[ ] I'm currently attending college courses

[ ] I'm between the ages of 8-12
[x] I'm between the ages of 13-17
[ ] I'm between the ages of 18-22
[ ] I'm between the ages of 23-27
[ ] I'm between the ages of 27-105

[ ] I currently have a part time job
[ ] I currently have a full time job
[ ] I mow lawns on the weekends for extra cash
[ ] My guardian(s) give me an allowance
[X] My guardian(s) give me money whenever I want to go somewhere

[ ] My parents are divorced
[ ] I live with my mom
[X] I live with my dad
[*] My parents are still together (they were until my mother.passedaway.)
[ ] I'm adopted
[ ] My foster parents are divorced
[ ] I'm a test tube baby

[ ] I'm depresed
[ ] I've cut myself to take away the pain (or I still do)
[ ] I came close to comiting suicide more than once
[ ] I am currently taking medicine to help deal with my depresion
[ ] I want to get better
[ ] No one knows the real me
[ ] I write poems about how i feel when I'm depresed

[x] I write poems
[ ] I write short stories
[ ] I write songs

[x] I can play a musical instrument
[ ] I'm in band or orchestra
[ ] I'm in a band
[ ] I want to be in a band

[x] I currently have a crush on someone
[x] I currently love some one

[ ] I am in a relationship right now
[ ] I'm married
[x] I've told someone that you love more than just a friend 'i love you'
[ ] I've told a complete stranger 'I love you'
[x] I've been told 'I love you' by someone
[x] I've been told 'I love you' more then once or by several people

[x] I've been kissed on the cheek
[x] I've been kissed on the neck or eyelids or forehead
[x] I've made out with the opposite sex before
[x] I've made out with the same sex before
[x] I've gotten a blowjob before
[ ] I've been eaten out before or fingered
[x] I've had sex before
[ ] I'm a virgin
[ ] I love anime
[ ] I have this strange obsession of an animal
[ ] I love greek mythology
[ ] I love x-men
[x] I love hard rock or metal
[x] I love The Ramones
[ ] I love rap/R&B
[ ] I love boy bands and pop stars
[ ] I love emo music
[ ] I like/love jazz
[ ] I love country
[x] I love blues
[ ] I love tejano
[ ] I speak more than one language not including sign language
[ ] I put a lot of effort in the way I look
[x] I would wear pajama's to work/ school for all I care
[ ] I wear makeup everyday
[x] I have a pice of jewlery I wear 24/7
[ ] I meet a lot of people throgh Xanga or LJ or My Space
[ ] over half my buddy list is people I've never seen before
[x] I love to swim
[x] I've been on an island before
[x] I've felt the ocean water with my feet
[ ] I've watched a sun set with someone special
[ ] I get sick a lot or very fast
[ ] I dye my hair
[ ] I wear colored contacts
[ ] I wear contacts because i have very poor vision
[ ] I wear braces or use a retainer
[x] I wear glasses
[I am NOT] I'm disturbed
[ ] I'm possessed
[ ] I'm gothic
[ ] I'm a punk
[ ] I'm emo
[ ] I'm Christian emo
[x] I'm missunderstood
[ ] I'm a getto chicka
[ ] I'm a gangsta
[ ] I'm a Cowboy
[ ] I'm a Cowgirl
[x] I F%CKING HATE LABELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[x] I can't wait for this survey to be over!
[x] Im glad this survey is over!!!

(is it now?)

[x]I am male.
[ ]I am female.
[x]I'm tall.
[ ]I'm short.
[ ]I have kinda longish hair.
[ ]I have shoulder length hair.
[x]I have short hair.
[x]I always wear my hair down.
[ ]I always wear my hair up.
[ ]I wear it both ways.
[ ]I wear pigtails.
[ ]I've dyed my hair.
[x]I am single.
[ ]I am taken.
[x]I am in love.
[ ]I am married.
[x]I want to get married eventually.
[ ]I'm not sure if I want to get married.
[ ]I have children.
[x]I want children someday.
[ ]I'm not sure if I want children.
[ ]I like long surveys.
[x]I'm a random person.
[ ] I'm shy.
[x]I'm friendly.
[x]I'm loud.
[ ]I'm quiet.
[ ]I have brown eyes.
[ ]I have blue eyes.
[ ]I have green eyes.
[x]I have hazel eyes.
[ ]I'm a vegetarian.
[ ]I wish I lived somewhere else.
[ ]I like where I live.
[x]I've traveled out of the country.
[ ]My favorite kind of movies are romantic.
[x]My favorite kind of movies are comedy.
[x]My favorite kind of movies are horror.
[ ]My favorite kind of movies are musicals.
[ ]My favorite kind of movies are dramatic.
[x]My favorite kind of movies are action.
[x]My favorite kind of movies are something not mentioned.
[x]I have a best friend.
[ ]I'm gay.
[ ]I'm a lesbian.
[x]I'm bisexual.
[x]I'm straight.
[x]I have a fetish.
[x]My favorite kind of music is rock.
[ ]My favorite kind of music is pop.
[ ]My favorite kind of music is country.
[ ]My favorite kind of music is rap.
[ ]My favorite kind of music is hip hop.
[x]My favorite kind of music is classic rock.
[x]My favorite kind of music is punk.
[ ]My favorite kind of music is metal.
[x]My favorite kind of music is industrial.
[ ]My favorite kind of music is classical.
[ ]My favorite kind of music is gothic.
[ ]My favorite kind of music is grunge.
[ ]My favorite kind of music is emo/screamo.
[ ]My favorite kind of music is 80s stuff.
[ ]My favorite kind of music is club/techno.
[x]My favorite kind of music is something not mentioned.
[ ]I'm scared of clowns.
[ ]I'm scared of spiders.
[x]I'm scared of death.
[ ]I'm scared of heights.
[x]I'm scared of commitment.
[ ]I'm scared of the supernatural.
[ ]I'm scared of blood.
[ ]I'm scared of the dark.
[ ]I'm scared of thunder/lightening.
[ ]I'm scared of needles.
[ ]I'm scared of something not common.
[ ]I get scared easily.
[ ]I'm not really scared of anything.
[x]It takes a lot to scare me.
[ ]My favorite TV show is a reality show.
[x]I always eat breakfast.
[ ]I'm online too much.
[ ]I watch too much TV.
[ ]I like video games.
[x]I love art.
[ ]I can draw well.
[x]I can't draw to save my life.
[ ]I like school.
[x]I'm in high school.
[x]I have at least one mean teacher.
[x]I'm planning on going to college.
[ ]I have a job.
[ ]My future career has something to do with the arts.
[x]My future career has something to do with the law.
[ ]My future career has something to do with medicine.
[x]My future career has something to do with entertainment.
[ ]My future career has something to do with kids.
[ ]My future career has something to do with animals.
[x]My future career invloves something else.
[ ]I dont know what I want to be.
[ ]I wear make up.
[ ]I'm a virgin.
[x]I'm not a virgin.
[ ]I'm not a virgin but I wish I still was.
[ ]I'm a virgin but wish I wasnt.
[ ]I can't live without my guitar.
[ ]I cant live without my drumset.
[ ]I cant live without my piano/keyboard.
[ ]I can't live without my phone.
[ ]I can't live without my computer.
[ ]I can't live without my camera.
[ ]I can't live without my TV.
[ ]My favorite type of food is Mexican.
[x]My favorite type of food is Italian.
[ ]My favorite type of food is Chinese.
[ ]My favorite type of food is American.
[x]My favorite type of food is something exotic.
[x]I don't have a favorite type.
[ ]My favorite color is blue.
[x]My favorite color is red.
[ ]My favorite color is green.
[ ]My favorite color is orange.
[ ]My favorite color is black.
[ ]My favorite color is yellow.
[ ]My favorite color is white.
[ ]My favorite color is gray.
[ ]My favorite color is pink.
[ ]My favorite color is purple.
[ ]My favorite color is something else.
[ ]I dont have a favorite color.
[x]I like a lot of colors.
[ ]I'm against war.
[x]I support war.
[ ]I dont really care about war.
[x]My room is messy.
[x]I share a room.
[x]I have my own.
[ ]I live with both my parents.
[ ]I live with my mom.
[x]I live with my dad.
[x]I dont live with my parents.
[ ]I have brothers.
[ ]I have sisters.
[ ]They're older.
[ ]They're younger.
[ ]Some are older, some are younger.
[ ]They're stepbrothers/sisters.
[ ]They're half brothers/sisters.
[ ]I get along with my siblings.
[x]I'm an only child.
[ ]I get sad easily.
[x]I get mad easily.
[x]I get annoyed easily.
[ ]I get disappointed easily.
[x]I get bored easily.
[x]I'm easily amused.
[x]I laugh when I'm nervous.
[ ]I stutter when I'm nervous.
[ ]I bite my nails.
[ ]I chew on pens.
[x]I shake my leg.
[ ]I can sing well.
[ ]I love to sing.
[x]I suck at singing but I do it anyway.
[x]I sing in the shower.
[x]I'm ok with my body.
[ ]I dont like my body.
[x]I like gory movies.
[ ]I've been in a car accident.
[x]I've been stung by a bee.
[x]I've sprained my ankle.
[x]I've broken a bone.
[x]I've gotten stitches.
[ ]I've been rushed to the hospital in an ambulance.
[ ]I have an iPod.
[ ]I have an MP3 player.
[ ]I have a CD player.
[ ]I download music.
[x]I have pets.
[x]I've smoked a ciggerette.
[x]I've smoked weed.
[x]I've done hard drugs.
[x]I like to read.
[x]I like to write.
[x]I'm allergic to something.
[xI know what turns me on.
[ ]I have a lot of money.
[ ]I'm sick.
[ ]I've cut myself.
[ ]I've thought about suicide.
[ ]I've tried to commit suicide.
[ ]I've written a suicide note.
[x]I regret some things I've done.
[ ]I believe in God.
[ ]I'm Atheist.
[x]I'm Christian.
[ ]I'm Wiccan.
[ ]I'm Satanic.
[ ]I'm Catholic.
[ ]I'm Jewish.
[ ]I'm Muslim.
[ ]I'm Mormon.
[x]I'm Agnostic.
[ ]I'm a Jehovah's Witness.
[ ]I'm something not mentioned here.
[x]I've kissed someone of the same sex.
[x]I've kissed someone of the opposite sex.
[x]I've been in a serious relationship.
[ ]I've dated someone for over a year.
[ ]I've never had a boy/girl friend.
[ ]My first kiss was amazing.
[ ]I dont remember my first kiss.
[ ]I never had a first kiss.
[x]I didnt like my first kiss.
[x]I've gotten attached to someone.
[x]I like someone right now.
[x]They like me, too.
[x]They dont like me.
[ ]They dont know I like them.
[.]I like one of my friends.
[ ]I have a lava lamp.
[x]I have candles.
[x]I have incense.
[ ]I have a black light.
[ ]I wear jewelry.
[ ]I have a favorite actor.
[x]I have a favorite actress.
[ ]I still have something from when I was a baby.
[ ]I have stuffed animals.
[ ]I'm a shopoholic.
[ ]I'm eating.
[ ]I'm drinking something.
[ ]I'm watching something.
[x]I'm listening to music.
[ ]I'm a hypocondriac.
[x]I have ADD.
[x]I have my ears pierced.
[ ]I have my eyebrow pierced.
[ ]I have my lip pierced.
[ ]I have my tounge pierced.
[ ]I have my nose pierced.
[ ]I have my bellybutton pierced.
[ ]I want more piercings.
[ ]I have a tattoo.
[x]I want a tattoo.
[x]I chew gum.
[x]I eat mints.
[ ]I paint my nails.
[x]I wear glasses.
[ ]I wear contacts.
[ ]I wear perfume.
[ ]I wear skirts.
[ ]I wear body spray.
[x]I wear a watch.
[x]I carry a wallet.
[ ]I have braces.
[ ]I wear retainers.
[x]I mostly wear pants.
[ ]I mostly wear skirts.
[ ]I mostly wear shorts.
[ ]I mostly wear tank tops.
[x]I mostly wear t-shirts.
[ ]I mostly wear long sleeved.
[x]I have lots of clothes.
[x]I have lots of shoes.
[ ]My favorite season is winter.
[x]My favorite season is summer.
[x]My favorite season is spring.
[x]My favorite season is fall.
[x]I'm a hopeless romantic.
[x]I'd rather live in the country then the city.
[ ]I'd rather live in the city then the country.
[x]I like writing letters.
[x]I'd take another survey like this if it came around
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