Funny error messages

Jun 10, 2007 01:06

1337/h4x0r :: j00 f001, 7|-|47 p4g3 d0|\|'7 eXi57! y0u sux0rz.
American South :: Ah cain't find th' page yer lookin' fer.

[snip of languages that we cannot understand]

Australian :: Strewth mate yer bloody page has shot through

[snip snip]

base64 :: VGhlIHBhZ2UgeW91IGFyZSBsb29raW5nIGZvciBpcyBubyBsb25n

[snip snip]

binary :: 001101000011000000110100001000000100011001001001010011000100010100100000


BSD user :: The server is running Linux. What do you expect?


C :: return ENOENT


Cockney :: No chance luv, carrnt find it neever.


English (Bristolian Accent) :: I casn't find what thee bist lookin' fer, me babber.
English (East African- Kikuyu) :: Da paej yu ah lookin fo eiz not avaerabouh.
English (Lancastrian dialect) :: Weers yon page geet to? T'int 'ere!


Latin (Pig) :: Ethay agepay ouyay areyay ookinglay orfay annotcay ebay oundfay.


Linux User :: That's fixed in subversion


Mid-Michigan dairy farm colloquialism :: That file is cow's-legs-up.


MopTalk Tophope popagope yopou arope lopookopinopgop foporop isop nopotop hoperope
Morse ....- ----- ....- ..-. .. .-.. . -. --- - ..-. --- ..- -. -..


Pirate :: Haaarr, Lubber! I've sailed yon seas with toil and trial, and yet I cannot find ye file!


Semaphore ::


Webmaster (local dialect) :: The problem is your fault.

I found those amusing and if you're fluent in other languages, you can find it here. Linkity

And yeah, the link doesn't lie of what I'm doing. =P
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