OMG!! There IS hope for us Anti-HGers
[The video here has since been removed. Maybe
lys1a or whoever else watched it can tell what it said.]
Now this sounds more legit just like the new scans despite the change of font. Who cares!! About the friggin changing of font. This is giving me hope now let me dance in my delusional land.
Yup I'm posting this everywhere. Spread the news people!
savagedamsel10: Hmmm...
The spoilers don't sound very off the wall (since they're things that a lot of the fandom have speculated) but the lack of actually looking inside the book (scans of the pages and not just the publisher bit) and just retelling things can't help but make me suspicious. Could these guys just do it to rile us fans up AND their employers? (Quitting with a bang by doing this IS pretty funny though I suppose, especially if they were just faking spoilers all along). But then again, these spoilers have cheered me up quite a bit because it distracted me from the epilogue scans of doom. The bit that gives us hope also cheers me up too. Moral of this story: Conflicting spoilers give everyone hope. Maybe the book has never been spoiled at all, or something, have no idea.
lys1a: Re: Hmmm...
You love Fleur? So do I! Because I loved her, I loathed Ginny for calling her "Phlegm" grr. Yup I'm clinging onto a 'fools hope' (I think that was quote in the LOTR trilogy LOL! So true though)
savagedamsel10: Re: Hmmm...
Of course I do! (She ties with Luna in being my two favourite HP female characters, although I love them for entirely different reasons). Admittedly I would normally understand that Ginny has issues with Fleur (Not everyone is like me who has been close friends with Fleur-types) but she was WAY over the top whenever Harry reacted and was acting pretty childish so yeah, I'm with you. So much for wit.
I'm with you on the whole clinging to any hope that comes our way. I totally need it and the best thing with all the conflicting spoilers is that they do kind of distract you from the depressing ones out there (so many, gah!). I think
lunaaddictus has some stuff too on her LJ (she said so on FAP ARGH) so I'm going there too to feel better.
Your post has helped a bit. I'm with you in delusion land!