So, I got the test results yesterday. There is something wonky with my blood, but it is not leukaemia. And I could not be more relieved
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Du, gummelumman, det är så jävla skönt att få höra att du inte har det. Det räcker till med det som skedde med din syrra. Vi saknar henne också, du vet - även om det ingenting är när man jämför med det du har gått igenom.
Sweetheart, you know how we wish that we could bear if only a little part of the hell you've been through. I still think you're an inhumanly strong person. We all admire and respect you more than you can possibly imagine.
Du har väl rätt i det du säger. Men det är ingenting jag har gått igenom när man jämför det med tex det som pågick i Kristinas liv under dom senaste månaderna...
Anyway, thanks. You know I appreciate what you said. A lot. HUGS!
Comments 4
Thanks. :)
Sweetheart, you know how we wish that we could bear if only a little part of the hell you've been through. I still think you're an inhumanly strong person. We all admire and respect you more than you can possibly imagine.
Anyway, thanks. You know I appreciate what you said. A lot. HUGS!
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