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Nov 28, 2010 23:46

Age: 27 as of season 4.
Height: 6'1"/185cm
Weight: "Too skinny," according to his mom.
Medical Info: Recovering addict (Dilaudid); is currently clean and will refuse narcotics if they are offered. Family history of schizophrenia (mother). Is infected with anthrax in season 4 and shot in the leg in season 5.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Light brown.
Physical traits: Has been described as "a pipecleaner with eyes." Otherwise, nothing really out of the ordinary.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Reid is currently from late season 4; I still don't have the season 5 DVDs, so I haven't yet watched "To Hell"/"And Back," so for now assume he's post-"Amplification" with enough time elapsed for him to have recovered from the anthrax he contracted in that episode. Once I get season 5, he'll be updated through then, although probably not for the last episodes, what with the cliffhanger and all. Plus I'd have to re-do his icons and I am lazy.

As far as things that are not spoilers, I'd rather avoid the whole "fictional" thing - or I would, except that as Reid is now aware that the likes of Captain Jack are here, he's starting to wonder about his own universe. Whoops!

Supernatural elements really don't exist in Criminal Minds, but he will likely adjust to their presence in camp relatively quickly once he comes to terms with the fact that they are not hallucinations. Star Trek and Star Wars exist in his universe, and Reid himself is an avid Trekkie who knows the original series backward and forward and probably has at least some familiarity with the various other Trek series, so having the "real" characters walking around will probably throw him a bit. (At his current point in canon, I don't believe the 2009 movie had come out yet, but he will undoubtedly know it's in production. This will change once I get access to season 5.) He is also a Doctor Who fan, although he is not up to date, as David Tennant was still the Doctor when he was brought here. He does know that Tennant is/was leaving, though.

Abilities: Eidetic memory. IQ of 187. Reads 20,000 words per minute. PhDs in Chemistry, Engineering, and Mathematics, with completed BAs in Psychology and Sociology and an as yet uncompleted BA in Philosophy. Skilled illusionist.

On the minus side, there is what his co-workers refer to as the Reid Effect, which causes dogs and children to react badly to him. He seems to be getting better with children, at least, which is good because he is JJ's son's godfather and it helps if one's godchild doesn't start crying whenever you're around.

Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: Reid is a relatively normal human! However, his mind tends to be a busy place, as his eidetic memory allows him to remember pretty much everything he sees/reads (childhood memories are a bit murky). This is something of a double-edged sword, given that he hunts serial killers for a living; on the other hand, he has a hell of a lot of other data in there.

In times of extreme stress, he may have cravings for the Dilaudid. He is also prone to nightmares, and thanks to his mother's illness he worries about developing schizophrenia himself (at one point he admits to a teammate that "I know what it's like to be afraid of your own mind"). He is also afraid of the dark, which he says is due to "the inherent absence of light."

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Ask me first? I'd rather avoid anything too traumatic, at least until he settles in.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: He's really not fond of unsolicited physical contact, although he'll put up with it if he has to.
Maim/Murder/Death: Have you seen what this show puts him through? No.
Cooking: Well, he lived alone with his schizophrenic mother for eight years, so he presumably knows enough to get by. On cases, he tends to subsist on junk food and lots of coffee with staggering amounts of sugar added to it.
Other: Carries a Smith & Wesson Model 65 Revolver.

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