thank you who ever wrote that about cade's reaction to "dirtied up" people. It's true cade, and i hope you don't think that we're just "rubbing it in your face". we love you and want the best for you....but it pisses us off that you think all your friends are purposely there to make you feel bad... not everyone is a cold-heaerted the hell do you improve a friendship if every now and then a little critism is given and you act so bitter towards it. If we really didnt care about you then we probably waste time bitching with you .. hwo do you think it makes your friends feel when they try to tlak to you and you simply call them "sluts and dirty bitches" instead of listening to a valid point they may have?
"you're a slut" directly translates to: "damn, he/she has a point, i guess i better use humor to back my way out of actually dealing with it." That's a funny come-back now, but nobody is laughing when you're a thirty year old vigin.
well i'm just waiting for the entry where you bitche about these responses. You answer them with cute little come-backs that usually aren't even relevant, until you get tired of pushing the truth away, at which point everything is our fault and after blaming it all on us, you are (in your eyes) blameless. It's bullshit. you can't change the facts until you accept that they are true. I can't wait to see what cute little return you will have to this to try to avert everybody's attention.
i think its sad how your refer to all girls as sluts when most of them are girls that you pissed your pants about when they wouldnt hook up with you... and im sure that if you were the reason they were deemed a slut, then you wouldnt be really the term slut translates to: girl that i tried to hook up with cuase i see most girls as potential girls to mess around with, but couldnt get becuase they simply wanted the plutonic relationship that the relationship seemed to act as.
Comments 33
youre a slut
you're a slut
-somebody who's hiding from his truth
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