[[Private; partially hackable]]
Hmmmmm. I wonder how the dueling lessons are going. Perhaps they need a helping hand.
Nobody could blame Madame Bones for being so angry -- that's what comes of letting the Daily Prophet run the investigation.... Nngh!! The head of the Aurors shouldn't let herself be pushed around like that! As it is, if they don't
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Comments 14
Are there any good fliers in the first years this year?
Well, yes, there are! In fact, the first year class is doing GREAT!! Watch the Quidditch pitch next time we all practice -- it will be a spectacle to rival any other!
[[I'm still behind on one or two tags to you, I think? *hasn't forgotten, don't worry!* And Ryoji really should have been on that list -- Gai's getting him a BULLHORN! XDDD]]
Heehee, they're able to keep up with you this year?
What's this? It's so cool!! Thanks, Professor Gai!
((Something tells me that Ryoji might have been one of Gai's more Lee-like students, lol))
[[This is really gonna conflict for him. Because he thinks it's cute and will really want to use it. Except trying to be not cute and thus trying not to use it. But is a gift and would be rude not to use. But would ruin image. but--- waaaaaah.......
He'll adore it once stuff blows over. eventually. =D]]
When I get back, we should break out that game you gave me! That's just the thing to cheer up these long winter evenings!
[[XDDD!~~~ Does it help that it's a TRAINING tool?]]
[OOC: Oh no... you made Duo use a tilde. He NEVER does that... O.o]
Oh, did Duo hack, btw? Or is he talking about school?]]
Well, maybe... But it's not like it's hard or anything!
[[..OH that'srighthe'safirstyear.... *swats self* We'll have to really do an IC flying class sometime.]]
*is now even more suspicious* Is that so? Well, your effort will not go unappreciated. *grudgingly decides he'd better keep it, whatever it is... if it passes all the hazardous materials tests*
[[Just now saw what the present WAS.... *SO DED* I'm afraid Gai is going to accidentally detonate it while checking for bombs, though. XDDDDD]]
Still into the heavy workout stuff, huh?
Maybe I can ask you to try and encourage Endrance to exercise instead of lounge around with his flowers all day? I can barely get him to eat, and I don't know if I can't convince him to exercise.
If you tell him that I'm worried about him, he should give you a shot.
...But make sure you don't work him hard enough to keep him from eating the lunches I make him.
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