Player Information
Name: Kristina
Personal LJ:
AIM/Plurk/etc: AIM: GunbladeDancer, Plurk: raynebowranger
Time zone: GMT
Other Characters: Donna Noble, Denzel
Character Information
Name: Campbell Bain
Fandom: Takin' Over the Asylum
Timeline Summary: After his first radio show with BBC Radio Scotland
Background: Not much is known about Campbell before the start of the show. First and foremost, it is known that he is a nineteen year old manic depressive (bi-polar) almost always elevated to a state of hypomania. He comes from a well-to-do family, most likely middle class. His father is a road sweeper (although he insists he is not a road sweeper, he works for the 'cleansing department'). His father is quite dismissive and cold towards Campbell's illness, telling him to 'pull himself together'. He is cynical towards Campbell's hopes and dreams, most likely because his own dreams were crushed. He even goes as far as to threaten to have Campbell sectioned if he doesn't stop with his nonsense.
Campbell dropped out of school before finishing his exams - it is probably related to his bi-polar disorder and it is likely he was admitted to St Jude's Mental Hospital soon after. Campbell has a slightly rose-tinted view of the world, an innocence and drive to reach for the stars. He also goes from one obsession to another. Which has led to some interesting and mostly unachievable career dreams. He wanted to be a pop star (he can't sing), before that a racing jockey (he's afraid of horses) and before that an actor (he can't remember lines). He spent four years of his life learning to play the guitar but can only play one song all the way through.
Campbell met Eddie shortly after Eddie arrived at the hospital and showed him the radio station. It wasn't until charge nurse Isabel told Campbell to go get his meds from the drugs nurse that Eddie realised he was a patient.
He was one of the only people to listen to Eddie's first broadcast on the new St. Jude's Hospital radio and he thoroughly loved it. He quickly became obsessed with the idea of making it big and successful and managed to talk a deflated Eddie out of quitting, while coming up with ideas for how to make it better. He also requested his own show, stating it was only fair given the work he was going to be putting into things. And somehow, he managed to talk Eddie around to the idea of training him.
The next day he cleaned the station and organised almost all of the donated the records with the help of OCD sufferer Rosalie. As well as writing at least half a dozen jingles. That night he and Eddie do the first 'Ready Eddie's Roadshow'. They attracted a decent audience (mostly due to Fergus dismantling the television). The show almost ended in disaster when the mixing desk died mid-show, but luckily Fergus was on hand to repair it.
Eddie continued to give Campbell lessons on the equipment. He steadily improved, with the occasional wobble. But he was soon ready to do his first solo show. The mood was soured somewhat after a surprise visit from his father. While he received the good news he was to released the next week, the talk quickly broke down into a bitter argument regarding Campbell's future. Still, the time for his first solo show arrived and Eddie was nowhere to be seen, forcing Campbell to go it alone without the support of his mentor, he did have the support of friend Fergus though. When Eddie did finally arrive, everything was running smoothly.
After the show was over, Campbell told Eddie he'd had fun, that it was the most fun he'd ever had without being manic and asked if he was any good. He admitted he'd never been good at anything before and told Eddie that he wanted to do it professionally. Further fuelling his desire for him and Eddie to make it big.
Campbell traded eight packets of cigarettes for £60 to enable him to afford a pair of professional headphones and yellow paint to paint his name on them 'like the professionals do', or more so, like Eddie had. He also vowed to stop smoking to preserve his voice. He also studied a 'careers in radio' book.
Another visit from his dad once more spiralled into an argument, with his dad telling him that his mother and he were sending Campbell off to Perth to live with his aunt where he could finish his education. When Campbell argued that he didn't want to go, that he had to stay in Glasgow to work on the radio and get the experience he would need to go professional. His fathers shot him down, stating that his behaviour didn’t show he was capable of rational thought, and if that was the case they would have to have him sectioned - crushing Campbell's dreams and heart. His resolve to quit smoking ended straight after and his mood plummeted.
During his fourth and supposed last 'Campbell Bain's Looney Tunes' show he locked himself inside the station while he broke down and had a manic episode, almost throwing himself out of the window leading to him being sedated and kept in the hospital for another 6-10 weeks. When Eddie came to visit him the next day Campbell confided in him that it was acting, and not a true manic episode, allowing him to focus on the radio station.
Once he was back on his feet, Campbell, Rosalie and Fergus staged a publicity stunt - a roadshow in Argyle Street. They were almost arrested when they refused to stop playing. However, when more police arrived they broke into the crowd and legged it. Unfortunately, it meant he was fifteen minutes late for his show, earning him the wrath of Eddie. And even more unfortunately, he hadn’t invited any newspapers to witness the event, meaning it was a waste of time.
After funding for a new mixer was refused by the hospital, Campbell and the others decided to stage a fundraiser at the Open Day. He somehow managed to rally the other patients to help. Rosalie drew up lists for Campbell to enable him to get all the necessary help from local firms - even if she did wake him up in the middle of the night to tell him. He also told her that she should stand up to her husband and doctors who she felt were bullying her.
Preparations for the Open Day went well, with Rosalie leading the way. Banners are made, prizes arrive, and a flatbed lorry and a PA system are borrowed. When the last of Rosalie's Dettol is knocked from the desk she began to break down. Campbell sent Fergus and Eddie to buy more from a late night store while he tried to calm her down. She confided in him why she is the way she is. That her son, Robbie, died of leukaemia and she blamed herself for not being able to kill all the germs.
The Open Day arrived and was a great success. Mostly successful. It almost ended in disaster when the caretaker demanded they have their equipment unplugged by 4pm. However, Eddie was able to find another power point, while Francine covered his show. Campbell even managed to get Spike Milligan to appear in his Spot the Loony pools. The event was covered by a number of newspapers. They were able to raise enough money for the new mixer.
Fergus escaped from the hospital via hand glider to purchase the new mixer, much to the excitement of Campbell and the other 'loonies'. However, while he was fixing it he was stopped for not being 'qualified' despite having a degree in Electronics. Crushing Fergus' spirit. Campbell soon turned his attention to Fergus' problem. He was being discharged but couldn't get a job due to lack of referees. Campbell, Francine and Rosalie decide to bunk up his CV with a false job, using Eddie as a false referee.
Campbell's mood took another plummet with the lack of response from radio stations following the Open Day. This led to him sending them a letter, demo clip and newspaper clippings to them. His letter paid off, Radio Scotland invited him and Eddie in for a meeting. Their meeting wasn't the greatest. Radio Scotland offered them a pilot 'when a slot becomes available', which to Campbell wasn’t good enough. Eddie tried to console him, explaining that dreams don't always come true, but in true Campbell style he didn't pay much attention.
Back at the hospital, Fergus received a letter asking him to come for a job interview. Campbell lends him a suit and Francine cuts his hair. Rosalie, however, had taken to hiding in the cupboard from her social worker because she didn't want sending to some germ-ridden hostel. The mixer continued to get worse, with no signs of the engineer coming any time soon.
The mood was improved when Fergus was successful at getting his job - subject to referees. And when the mixer blew, Fergus stepped in to mend it again.
A second interview at Radio Scotland came along - no interview was planned, but Campbell's amazing bluffing skills got them in and earned them a pilot for the next day.
The hospital mood plummeted once again when Fergus' psychiatrist informed him his employers had asked her for a medical reference and she deemed him unfit for the job. He broke into the nurse's office to get and fit the new one, screwing it to the desk to stop them removing it again. He broke down, escaping out of the window and up to the top of the tower. Francine begged the others to help, but they couldn’t stop him. Eddie and Campbell arrived just in time to see Fergus jump to his death.
Campbell suffered a breakdown at Fergus' funeral, only made worse by the fact he had been drinking heavily. Fergus' death made Campbell more determined to dissolve the stigma surrounding mental illness. And further cemented his desire to make it as a professional disc jockey. He worked on the plan for the pilot with Rosalie's help. When the social worker arrived, Eddie and Campbell tried to hide Rosalie in the cupboard again, but when it almost turned into a fist fight, she was forced to give herself up. She is told she'd be released that Friday.
Despite is all, the pilot is a success and Eddie was given an interview for Thursday. The meeting isn't so much of a success however, Paula Kinghorn, offers a job, but only to Eddie. They were worried Campbell's mental illness would get in the way. Eddie refused, saying he and Campbell were a double team. Their luck took a change for the better when one of the presenters at Radio Scotland got a fish bone lodged in his throat and couldn't work and Eddie and Campbell were asked to cover his show. Their show was a big hit.
After the show, disaster once again hit when the SSPCA arrived to take away the kittens Francine had been taking care of causing Francine to have a break down and later attempted suicide. It had a knock on effect on Eddie who had grown fond of Francine and work followed by a drinking binge caused him to miss his show which Campbell had to cover for him. When Campbell approached him about his unprofessional attitude Eddie got defensive asking what he needed professionalism for, to which Campbell answered, telling him of the lunch meeting Paula Kinghorn had arranged for him.
Rosalie, who despite being discharged was still working as station manager came by with a brand new make-over, shocking Campbell into speechlessness (a hard task). Her new neighbour was an OCD sufferer too, meaning she didn't have to worry about chemicals or germs. She also had her shopping with her, causing Campbell to inquire why she didn't do her shopping at her local shop, only to find all the people living at Hillcrest (the supported housing for mentally ill) were banned from the shops.
They also learned that the hospital intended to turn the radio station into another treatment room, meaning until funding allowed for a new room to be found the radio would have to shut. To which Campbell decided they needed to host a radiothon to raise money. Eddie refused to get involved, knowing if his name was in the paper again he would lose his job at the double glazing firm. So Campbell and Rosalie decided to go it alone.
Eddie attended his lunch meeting with Paula; however, the news wasn't so good. At least not for Eddie. Paula told him they wanted Campbell, but not him. Campbell told Eddie he wouldn't do it, that they were a team and would stay a team. Eddie demanded he take it for himself and for Fergus and so that Campbell wouldn't end up a no-hoper like himself.
The closing day of the station arrived with Campbell and Rosalie locking themselves in. They refused to move, even as the builders arrived, gaining the attentions of the papers. Right at the last moment, Eddie arrived to stand with his team, just in time to be forcefully removed by the police.
Following the closure of the radio station, Eddie lost his job and admitted his alcoholism. He and Francine decided they could battle their demons together. Rosalie began reconciliation with her husband. And Campbell went on to work at BBC Radio Scotland. Fundraising for the hospital radio station remained ongoing.
Personality: Campbell's illness is a big part of who he is. It shapes him. Campbell is manic. Manic and proud. He is not ashamed of his illness and not ashamed to flaunt it. And while his illness is very real, he knows how to act up on it to turn things in his favour - this is shown most noticeably when he fakes his manic episode to get out of being released or sectioned.
Campbell has a natural charm and cheekiness to him. He is generally upbeat, energetic and friendly to almost anyone. He knows just about everyone in the Asylum by name and seems to get along with them all. His friendship with Eddie blooms quite quickly and Campbell looks up to him with a sort of hero worship despite the sad truth that Eddie is a no-hoper and an alcoholic. He is also obsessive. He becomes convinced that they can become a professional double team and will stop at nothing to make it happen. He shares a close friendship with Fergus too and appreciates that despite Fergus' schizophrenia he is a genius. As the radio station expands, his relationships with Francine and Rosalie are also strengthened. The five of them become a team.
Due to his illness his mood can flip with little to no warning, causing depression or bouts of anger. Shouting, flailing, throwing things and crying can all be signs of this. It's not seen too much within the show (funeral and false manic episode aside) but it is strongly hinted at with Campbell saying he is given 'downers for when he's up and uppers for when he's down', and during his false manic episode Fergus tells Eddie that Campbell is 'away', suggesting it is something they've seen before.
He's had a somewhat sheltered life. But despite that he has a lot of intelligence and potential. He does, however have a very idealistic view of the world. He believes things will fall into place and realistic ideas of jobs and money rarely come into his mind. In his eyes, he and Eddie will become big stars of the radio world despite the fact Eddie has been trying to get a break in radio for years.
He can lie with ease. He justifies it by stating that 'sometimes you just have to look someone in the eye and tell them the truth that should be there instead of the truth that is.'
Campbell cannot sit still for long. Whether due to his illness or simply hyperactivity it's not fully known, probably a mixture of both and possibly some undiagnosed ADHD thrown in too. While the other patients are happy to sit and watch television all day, Campbell is often up and about, keeping himself busy.
For all his bluster he is actually quite insecure. He desperately wants to be good at something and for the people around him to be proud. This probably stems from his strained relationship with his father. His father is constantly putting him down and offers little emotional support. He looks to Eddie to fill this void, becoming not only a friend, but a mentor and father figure to the teen.
Powers, Skills, and Abilities: No real skills, he is pretty good on a microphone though.
First Person: [ Campbell is poking around at the strange device for some time. He's unaware it's recording. One hand holds the device while the other pushing ginger curtains back from his face.
He turns the device around a few times, recording a dizzying view of the room. He's still unaware that he's turned the device on. And he’s muttering to himself. ]
I cannae believe they'd send me away to another loony bin wi'out telling me first. Ali... unde. Ne'er heard of it afore. Wonder if I'm still in Scotland... I cannae get any answers from the doctor.
[ He prods the device. ] Huh? Looks like something off o' Tomorrow's World... Weird.
Third Person: Campbell had been doing so well. He'd been calm - well, calm for him, at least. That calmness was now crashing down in the worst of ways. Perhaps the nurses should've noticed his increased agitation; perhaps they should've noticed he was more animated than usual. It probably should've been spotted that he had been sleeping less and talking more. But it hadn't. And the lack of detection had led to him running along the corridors. It had started as mere pacing, but soon he had been racing up and down the corridors.
He made his way toward the window, climbing out onto the flat roof, much to the distress and worry of nurses and friends.
"Jesus, Campbell. Come back inside!!" Eddie's voice barely caught his ears as he raced forward. Campbell skidded to a stop on the very edge of the roof, a tile slipped, falling and smashing on the ground below.
He tugged at his hair, torn between laughing and crying. It'd been a long time since he'd had a manic episode, let alone a mixed episode like this one. "I gonnae fly. I'm gonnae fly. 'm not gonnae let them bastards beat me. I gonnae beat them. For me, for Fergus!" His voice was strained and frantic. His thoughts raced faster, far too fast to even get them all into words, and the ones that he could get into words were jumbled and incoherent.
He paced back and forth on the roof, arms flailing. "They’re coming for me, cannae let them get me. Nay, cannae let them. I am a loony and I am proud!!!" He ran towards the edge, sliding of the edge and down the drain pipe to safety.
He was intercepted at the bottom by nurse Stuart who was quick to sedate him.