Once Upon a Time icons

Jan 15, 2012 15:36

Have I mentioned that this show is wonderful? It is. It's so weird watching North American TV.So I'm looking at these and I'm just... what is cropping idk. Some of these are weird. IDKIDK. Also how does Ginnifer Goodwin look so perfect all the time and why do I love Snow White so much. And ajflskjkghjkahgdj I love Graham but I don't know why ( Read more... )

tv: once upon a time, *graphics: icons

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Comments 12

valiantarcher January 15 2012, 23:21:07 UTC
*squees happily* I finally was able to watch the show during the end of Christmas break, right before episodes started to go off Hulu, and now my mom and I are hooked (and my elder sister, though to a slightly lesser extent, I think). :D
;)) I like Graham well enough, but I wasn't terribly saddened by 1.07 because I kind of knew it was coming; I actually thought 1.06 was sadder. My elder sister doesn't agree with me, though, so...

At any rate, nice icons! :) Favourites are #1, #4, #10, #11, #13, #18, #19, #26, and #27.


proverbsun February 9 2012, 04:03:20 UTC
I kind of knew it was coming too, but my brothers and I had had so much fun debating who Graham would turn out to be (even though we were all pretty sure he was the huntsman) that I think that's what I'm missing the most about him. Though I suppose now they have a new ~mysterious~ character so we can debate about him now. :P Oof yes I think 1.06 was sadder too. Ugh ugh ugh I am too emotionally attached to this show considering it's only been on for half a season.

Thanks m'dear!! :D


valiantarcher February 11 2012, 02:47:35 UTC
Ah, I see. :) Aww, yeah, speculating is fun. Especially if you're right. ;) Not so much if you're totally off-base and never saw the truth coming. ;))
Ooh, yes. Do you have theories? ;))
I know. :P They shouldn't draw you in so much! That said, Regina still hasn't garnered much sympathy from me. :P


proverbsun February 13 2012, 07:33:02 UTC
A pox on Tumblr and it's shiny, prettily packaged spoilers!! That always happens to me too. I'm don't mind spoilers to a certain extent because I have no self control but when it's big reveals like that I'm just like NOOOOO ( ... )


ladyadeone January 16 2012, 06:43:15 UTC
Really pretty coloring and lighting on these! 1, 2, 7, 10, 11, and 25 are my favorites.


proverbsun February 9 2012, 04:04:07 UTC
Thank you dear! :D


missadventure02 January 16 2012, 16:50:09 UTC
I know what you mean about North American TV! Seems like everything else I watch is British!

Snow White is my favorite! Also Charming, so I've been shipping Snow/Charming like everything. I can't quite believe Graham's dead either. WHY?! But we are not to mention that I suppose, so, oops.

Lovely icons! I love the colorings and lighting you have on these! 6's layout is really cool, and I love 9! I'm also a fan of 10-13, 16, and 26-27. :)


valiantarcher January 16 2012, 21:14:06 UTC
Also Charming, so I've been shipping Snow/Charming like everything.
You mean there's a choice? o_O I didn't really think it was an option---there's a reason that's the happily-ever-after end to the fairy tale. ;)


proverbsun February 9 2012, 04:11:30 UTC
LOL, Valia, even if the show doesn't offer shipping choices, crazy interwebz-ers always come up with their own. Just the other day I saw someone talking about shipping Snow/Rumpelstiltskin. *shudders*

Wahwahwah Graham. I miss trying to figure out who he was every episode. :(
And thanks, Maddy! :D


valiantarcher February 11 2012, 02:41:29 UTC
Hey, it's not like the lack of conflicting ships is necessarily a bad thing. ;)
*sobs* Why do they create ships where there's no need? *shudders too*


meltintall3 October 1 2012, 17:59:33 UTC
*iz late to the party*

But! I like 11, 20, 22, 23, and 26 :)


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