I'm sorry, really I am. But I need this, especially if I am going to get my head back in gear to do any actual writing tonight.
I suppose I should pat myself on the back for NOT interrupting (I am presuming none of you would have), even though it was a golden "teachable moment". I wasn't trying to eavesdrop; not that I've ever needed to try. But I wasn't listening until I somehow realized my neighbors here at the diner were discussing passports and citizenship. But I'm pretty sure that the US and Japan do not have dual-citizenship treaties, like Israel and Ireland do.
All the same, that was the easy part to pass on. Quite unlike the next part...
Japan is NOT a member of NATO, so basing the ability of a Japanese to hold a US passport on this is faulty reasoning.
Again, quite unlike claiming that an American does not need one to travel to Puerto Rico either, because the "nation" of Puerto Rico is also a member of NATO. Like Guam. And Midways Islands, all 1000 of them! Or Jamaica.
Is it too early to give up?
Or too late...