Curious. Or not.
Seems life was a good bit more interesting when I lived with and nearer people. Have I mentioned the 'burbs kind of suck?
Of course, living in interesting times counts as an ancient curse, but that refers more to the actual interesting we are living in than it does my doing nothing outside of work.
Are Dems/Lefties/AntiFa/BLM types sincerely shocked at what happened last Wed? I do of course mean the media hyperventilated version, rather than the sketchy but utterly inconsequential and spotty "insurrection" (how does that work when all the guns get left at home, on purpose?). Do those people truly not see what uncivilized trash they have been for the better part of a decade? I won't ask about their self-images; they have made it all too clear just how large the halos they see on their own heads are.
Or is this all a sophisticated act?
Gauging from FB, I do not see this.
This leads me to fear what is coming. Not for myself, really. More dread, I suppose. Civil War is deadly business. Who in here remembers Bosnia? I've no idea how to find it, but last year, well before the election, I caught a video made by a survivor of the 90's Bosnian War. In her telling, America is rapidly approaching the edge of the cliff, getting dragged there by the radical Left, just as happened in Yugoslavia.
The big point is wars don't happen by accident; that is simply a simplistic myth.
And this one won't either.
And history will understand who it is that wanted it, and who was hoping it wouldn't come.