MEMEFull name: Caesar Silverberg
Name they go by: Caesar
Nicknames: hit him with your best shot! 'Red' is common enough. xD
Age: 16
Birthdate: 20June
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 108lbs
Medical Info: healthy, if not a little underweight
Eyes: green
Hair: red
Physical traits: droopy, perpetually tired-looking eyes, slouches all over the place
Laterality: right
INTJAlignment: Lawful Neutral
Arcana: The Heirophant
What's Okay To Mention Around Him: Absolutely anything is okay, just don't be surprised if he bites back. Mentioning Albert -- his big brother/rival -- is a certain way to get him spitting fire. Insulting his family or his abilities is also a good way to earn some raised hackles.
Abilities: expert strategist -- beyond that? Not a damned thing. xD His physical abilties are abysmal, and he's about as useful in a mage fight as a flyswatter.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: His mind is startlingly methodical, like clockwork. He's constantly gathering information on everyone he sees or speaks to, filing it away, or reviewing it. Very, very focused on his job.
Can I spit at/step on/etc?: Sure!
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: He'll look at you funny and possibly try to squirm away, but go for it!
Maim/Murder/Death: If it's reasonable, give me a shake. :3
Cooking: ffffff not very good. At all. Most of his cooking ability is tied to basic campfire fare.
Clothing/Appearance: Faded green denim tucked into knee-high, worn leather boots. He's got this hideous sleeveless shirt he wears underneath this equally hideous yet entirely complimentary green over-sized coat with pink and cream accents. His hair is perpetually tousled-looking, his expression usually smug, mind-bendingly bored and half-asleep, or something in-between. Bits of bark or leaves in his hair isn't exactly unusual.
Habits/Mannerisms/Body Language: Caesar's laconic behavior is a direct contrast to his mind -- he's got crap posture, and is constantly shuffling around, his hands generally buried deep in his pockets if he isn't reviewing either a book or his little netbook thingy. The display isn't submissive, however -- he's got no aversion to looking anyone in the eye, and will be quite intent about at as he constantly sizes them up.
Current Residence(s): Cabin 7. He's got papers everywhere, but he'll try to contain it in his own little area.
Typical Daily Routine: Wake up, clean up, eat up, go to training ... spend free time either at the library or with Sasarai or Shouichi -- or spending time with the soldiers. Naps throughout the day! Sleep comes kind of early, unless he's working on something, in which case he'll work until he falls asleep on top of it.
Favorite Haunts: the library, the lower boughs of many of the area's trees.
Does he/she make his/her own bed?: What's the point? He's got better things to do, and he's just going to sleep in it again tomorrow. Will make a conciliatory effort if his cabinmates get surly about it, though.
Name: Caesar Silverberg
Age: 16
Birthdate: June 29, 459 IS (In Solis)
Birthplace: Gregminster, Toran Republic
Bloodtype: AB
Dominant Hand: Right
Eyesight: 20/20
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 108lbs
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Skin: Pale
Other facial features: droopy, sleepy-looking eyes
Favourite food: karaya chicken
Favourite colour: green
Favourite movies: never seen one! He likes the Neclord plays, though.
Favourite books: Mathiu's tactical guides
Favourite music: Toran waltzes
Favourite animal: griffins - he likes Fubar
Favourite weather: overcast
Favourite sport/physical activity: fffff no
Favourite date spot: .... no.
Preferred type: Intelligent?
Best subject: Tactics
Disliked food: Squash
Disliked colour: black
Disliked movies: still no tvs. Finds Obelian dramas rather pointless.
Disliked books: pointless fiction
Disliked music: anything Kobolds come up with.
Disliked animal: furfurs
Disliked weather: rainy
Disliked sport/physical activity: how about all of them?
Disliked date spot: anywhere crowded or loud
Disliked type: ditzy
Worst subject: music
Description of bedroom:
Scents (shampoo/cologne/lotion/etc.): cedar and soap, mostly
Laugh: boisterous, sometimes sounds vaguely mocking
Sense of humour: dry and sarcastic
Temper: long in kindling most of the time, but rather explosive when finally unleashed
Basic nature: cool and rational for the most part, but definitely given to his moments when he feels important things are threatened.
Kinsey rating: 2-ish
Spends money on: writing materials, mostly. Very low-maintenance.
Daily rituals: Bath! Catnaps all the time. Study.
Random trivia: Scruffy-looking as he is, he's the youngest son of a quite famous noble house. Famous like the Kennedys -- ask just about anyone in that world for the name of a Silverberg, and you'll get a correct answer. Their mortality rate is a little better, though.
Currently wants: a stand-alone recording device
Current occupation: Strategist for Verity's Brigade 3
Marital status: so single
Current Residence: Cabin 7
Sun sign: Gemini
Moon sign: Cancer
Dominant character traits: stubborn, loyal, methodical, perceptive
Likable traits: loyal, generous, protective
Annoying traits: occasionally loud-mouthed, likewise a little arrogant in situations, mainly because he sucks at expressing himself properly and he believes in himself. Might fall asleep on you if you've got nothing important or interesting to say. >.>
Love interest(s): none
Lust interest(s): none
Close friends: Sasarai
Other friends: Shouichi (if only because he's so standoffish, for now)
Acquaintances: Riku, Big Boss
Enemies and why: Albert. It's a bit of a family rivalry thing; long story.
Family: Albert, Leon, Mathiu, George, Odessa. None that he knows of here.
Habits: He keeps notes on everything. Extensive notes. A lot of them on paper, because he's more familiar with it, and it's kinda comforting.
Talents: Strategy and tactics. Um. General rhetoric? Which makes no sense in the context of his fail at expressing himself, but let's say he can express ideas far better than emotions.
Hobbies: Reading, napping, daydreaming
Entertainment of choice:
Musical talents: lmaoooo no, none.
Ambitions: to beat Albert in a proper battle and prove his tactical insight superior
Educational background: Extensive training in tactics and strategy from essentially the time he learned to form a coherent thought. Seriously; war planning is the lifeblood of House Silverberg, and there's not a single one of them that you'll hear of that wasn't involved in some epic war or two, and each member is raised into that tradition. It's not really even a choice. Beyond the constant home training, he also studied at the prestigious Soledt Military Academy in the Crystal Valley in Harmonia for a while before leaving to continue his education under his uncle's apprentice instead.
Philosophy of life: Be excellent to everyone?
Introvert/extrovert: introvert
Intuitive/reasoning: reasoning
Optimist/pessimist: cautious optimist
Tense/relaxed: relaxed
Serious/carefree: serious
What is your earliest memory? Taking a bath. I'm fairly certain, now, that Albert wasn't so much trying to wash my hair as drown me before I grew old enough to become a serious threat.
What was your biggest disillusion as a child? Figuring out what kind person Albert really was.
What's one thing no one knows about you? You think I'd tell you that?
What's one thing everyone assumes about you that isn't true? That I do this for fame.
What's one thing you wish you could stop? Putting people into situations where they end up dying.
What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but never have? I'd like to see Falena, someday.
What are you a sucker for? Karayan cooking. It's so good!
What's your biggest pet peeve? People who have no regard for human life.
What is your most prized possession? I don't have anything I couldn't get rid of.
What can absolutely make your day, no matter what? Victory!
What's the worst part of your life right now? Not knowing if I'll ever make it home, I suppose.
Do you have or want children? Not that interested in it, no.
If/when you ever have children, what is one thing you absolutely want to teach them? The importance of keeping their people alive, naturally.
What was the worst advice your father ever gave you? The best? Listen to your big brother, he said! Like that was a good idea. The best, hmm ... I don't know. He made the occasional good point. Figure things out for myself, I think.
When did you feel you'd finally 'come of age?' When I was sent to study in Harmonia.
How do you feel about sex? I'm not interested in it.
Describe your ideal significant other. Someone who will stay out of my way.
How do you deal with depression, stress or sadness? Sleep on it, I suppose. Lingering on that sort of thing will lead a person to irrational decisions.
How do you think of yourself? I'm still learning.
How do your friends think of you? I've never asked.
How do your enemies think of you? With trepidation, I'd hope!
Who is your biggest role model? My uncle, Mathiu. Now he was a tactician to respect.
What is your biggest accomplishment to date? Winning the Grasslands war.
What has been your most humbling experience to date? Learning that Albert had a part in orchestrating the downfall of the Harmonian army. I still don't get that, but I don't want to ask him, either.
What will it take for you to die happy? Another five decades or so!
What would you rather be doing right now? Well, I'm a little tired ...