Oh, who cares? I'd rather spend my time reading this most excellent story! You mastered interaction in a way more than a million writers haven't! I was so amused and laughed out at the reflective silence and electrocution part - it's so unreasonably cute!
Thank you so much! Though, eee! I didn't mean to drag you away from studying. Whoops. *sheepish* It is a very nice compliment, however. *big grin* And I'm glad the boys are hitting their strides in the amusement department.
-Snickers helplessly- He got shocked lol. That's great... did Obi-Wan sense through the Force what was happening and if so how did he get there that quick.
The mental image of Anakin's hair sticking up every which way was just too much for me to pass up. *winks* And Obi-Wan was on his way up to the cockpit, got a bit of flicker of something, and managed to get there just in time. He's a Jedi Master like that. *giggles*
this is a really sweet story- I love the interaction between Anakin and Obi-Wan, and I was smiling as I read it. The mystery of the ship and the senate envoy is also intruiging. I hope you update this story.
Comments 22
Oh, who cares? I'd rather spend my time reading this most excellent story! You mastered interaction in a way more than a million writers haven't! I was so amused and laughed out at the reflective silence and electrocution part - it's so unreasonably cute!
*looks out for part 5*
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