Title: Logical Fallacy - On Fear
By: Unseen_Daydream
Rating: K/G (depending on the rating system you follow)
Verse: G1
Characters: Prowl, Jazz,
Warnings: a little bit of angsting here, with some fluff thrown in at the end, a bit long to be considered a drabble.
Drabble: 4/?
Notes:Anyone want to guess what I've been doing instead of the 200 point project I have due Friday?
Summary: An error in reasoning - when assumptions are made by those who can't see the forest for the trees. A series of drabbles picking apart the fallacies surrounding Jazz and Prowl
Everyone of the Autobot Army knows that Prowl and Jazz are fearless. They’ve led battles on different fronts and seen the worst sides of war because of it. They’ve taken shots for those under their command, unafraid of possible deactivation. They’ve fought Megatron one-on-one and lived to have tales spread of it (neither were ever inclined to gossip concerning battles-not that it stopped news like that from spreading), a feat that had only ever been accomplished by Optimus Prime before.
There are older bots who speak in awe of a time where the than junior-tactician now Second in Command had under minded a diredct order, gone behind the back struts of his superiors and taken temporary command over the entire army. He had jacked himself into the Autobot Mainframe directly; switching from unit to unit in different parts of the galaxy to counteract Megatron’s at-the-time largest wide-scale surprise attack to date. The Decepticons had attacked neutral and Autobot cities, Energon factories, Weapons facilities, and even several of Cybertrons off-world colonies in an attempt to cripple the Autobots to a point they couldn’t recover from. And Prowl, without fear (for if his plans didn’t work he surely would have been put to trial, if not death, for treason) took control of the armies on every front and beat back the Decepticons. Those who fought in those battles say that it had been like the end of an Acid Storm the way that Prowl orchestrated the battle. They hadn’t been without losses, two neutral colonies had been decimated and an important Energon Mining Facility had been blown to pieces, but because of Prowl’s lack of fear and master plans the Autobots came victorious that day. Yet if it hadn’t been for the roaring outcry of the thousands of lives saved Prowl would have been put to death for his usurping of authority.
After a long and private discussion with Optimus Prime, Prowl had promptly been promoted to Head Tactician and Second in Command of the Autobot command, both positions having been emptied durring the Great Battle.
In the other corner there is Jazz, who, before becoming Optimus’s Third in Command, had been completely unheard of by any outside Special Operations despite being it’s commander. Despite that though, Special Operations Members everywhere spoke in whispered voices with awe of the formidable head of operations. How, it’s rumored (because a mission given to Special Operation is kept secret even from other members, ‘swept under the rug’ as they would learn that humans say) that Jazz has refused to allow any of his member to go on a suicide mission rumored to involve constant interaction with Megatron. It’s rumored that Jazz was even the ruthless Decepticon Ruler’s Second in Command for a time, a position so dangerous for an Autobot spy that the mere idea has the infiltrators and double agents of Special Operations, the same member who deal with the darkest side of war day in and day out, quaking in fear. Jazz, the mech with three times as many Special Operation Missions beneath his servos than any other mech (no including the ones that are so far off the record that simply knowing a rumor of one is enough to make a mech…disappear) is whispered about in no small amount of fear and awe because the mech is no doubt the bravest of them all.
After the mission in which Special Operations is rather convinced Jazz had played the part of the Decepticon’s Second in Command (“he was in there for Deca-Vorns,” the others whispered in awe and pity), Jazz had promptly been promoted to Third in Command of the Autobot Army. Where soon after he met the much more well known fearless Second in Command, Prowl.
The soldiers of the Autobot Army are convinced that the pair is unbeatable; that they fear nothing and could even stared the Pit down without flinching if the need should ever arise. They don’t know how Prowl, directly after The First Great Battle, as it came to be known, locked himself in his Junior Tactician Quarters for Groons, shaking in his frame so hard that several of his internal systems dented from the force of it. They don’t know how he purged his tanks in a waste receptacle near by and felt as though he may just deactivate right there and then. They don’t know how much fear and guilt weighed him down for himself and those he had lead as well as for the attacks that were bound to come again. They don’t know that Prowl had been so scared during the battle that the only thing that kept him going was the utter conviction that his superiors were wrong and the cause would be lost if Prowl didn’t try something to turn the tides. He honestly hadn’t meant to take complete control like that, despite the tall tales told, Prowl had honestly only meant to take over for a command post that had reported it’s own highest ranking tactician deactivated. Soon the Comms started buzzing with other reports and cries for some sort of direction from anyone that Prowl had, without thinking, begun to direct the entire battle. The fear in him so great(though never for himself, as Prowl has never been one to be afraid of for his own condition) that Prowl’s voice had broken into static several times, which later would be blamed on to faulty communications.
Jazz never spoke of his (alleged) time as the Decepticon Second in Command, but, sometimes, Jazz would wake from recharge at the lightest of ped falls from two hallways away battle systems online and capacitors whining from the strain. Sometimes, Jazz would stare at the current Second in Command of the Decepticons, a rather handsome flier by the name of StarScream, with a look of such pity and sympathy that others wondered what in Primus’s name could have happened while Jazz was working his position. He couldn’t look an Autobot in the optic for Vorns after the mission, and he shied away from training areas and anything to do with combat involving a fellow Autobot. And, perhaps most importantly yet least known to all, is that the cycle Jazz returned from his (alleged) mission he stepped into his quarters and glanced passingly into a mirror on his wall. He had flinched terribly and proceeded in destroying the mirror so thoroughly that nothing but dust remained by the time he was ordered to give his report to Optimus. After that, Jazz never so much as acknowledged such a thing as mirrors existed no matter where (or who, for Special Operations went through identities the way a youngling went through Energon Goodies, only without the pleasure or satisfaction that usually went with such a deed) he was.
Nearly the entire Autobot Army believe Prowl and Jazz to be as fearless as they come, able to face down the Unmaker himself without flinching should the need come for it. But what most could not see they were able to recognize in each other for Prowl and Jazz each feared the same thing. Though together for Vorns now, those fears have never truly been chased away, the scars of war dug to deeply to ever fade
But, together, they manage to forget what they fear most by losing themselves in each other.