(no subject)

Jul 29, 2011 08:00

Hey y'all! For the, like, two or three of you that don't know me, I'll remind you that I'm Maja and I play Fabian Prewett. And as you might know, Fabian Prewett is a pretty minor character! And this means that I've had to make up quite a bit of things about him in order to play him.

I realized pretty quickly that since I have the memory of a goldfish, keeping all of the things I was coming up with written down was probably an excellent idea -- and I should probably do so someplace where a. I could make sure I wasn't going to contradict myself and b. if others were interested, they could read it too!

So, my dears, I present to you the ever-changing updates into the life of Fabian Prewett!

I am in part doing this to advertise my own list, and also suggest that people who are playing characters with less canon might do something of the same! It's always fun to figure out how people are putting their spin on different characters, and I'd love to read about headcanons everyone else is thinking of. (Hell, I'm sure that even those who are playing really major characters could come up with some stuff that would be fun to read! :D)

Basically, I just encourage it for everybody! It gets you thinking about your character and it might help you if things like that come up later. Plus it's fun! \o/
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