Title: Empty House: A Fable by John Watson
Word Count: between 200-600 words per chapter.
Genre: Meta-fic. Fairy tale.
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Everyone, nearly.
Pairing: John/Sherlock (implied Mycroft/Lestrade if you wear your sunglasses at night)
Warnings: Fairy tale worthy gore.
Summary: Meta-ass “Empty House” fic (i.e. Return of SH) told by John Watson through fairy tales.
A/N: Here’s the skinny:
This story is actually meant to appear in blog form. So it does-
the testimony of John Watson That is part of the reason why the chapters are so short. I wanted to write a story so meta it was disgusting and there are parts of the story that play with the blog format. However blog form is hard to share and I’m the type of writer who likes to be stroked (or critiqued) and told how talented she is (or isn’t). So I’m breaking that wall rather than remaining in anonymity.
That said. You can read the full story here as it comes out. But the blog will be updated more often (everyday at 2:30 am London time 10:20 pm EST if all goes well) for the simple reason that I can write ahead and queue the posts so my little blog ghost posts them for me while I do things like sleep and eat and work. I will catch up the LJ periodically.
The lesson from this? Don’t experiment with new methods of storytelling. It leads only to complications.
Now then. Have a story.
The Prologue 1: The Spider 2: The End3: The Queen 4: The Friend 5: The Knight 6: The Mirror