A - Age: 20
B - Band listening to right now: Nana Kitade
C - Career future: Ssh! We do not talk of such things here.
D - Dad’s name: Leslie
E - Easiest person to talk to: Lauren or David
F - Favorite type of shoe: Boooots
G - Grapes or Grapefruit: Unless I'm in France, grapes.
H - Hometown: Paisley. Home and current.
I - Instrumental talent: None. I can play Doh Rae Me on the keyboard.
J - Juice of choice: Fruit juice. Apple, orange, cranberry, pommegranite, not rightly fussed. Fruit juice good *thumbs up*
K - Koala Bear or Panda Bear: Koalas. They're cute and cuddly till they start hissing and claw your face off. Never saw it coming.
L - Longest car ride ever: If I discount the bus ride to Paris, probably the trip down to Wales.
M - Middle name: Fiona
N - Number of jobs you’ve had: Two paying, one volenteer.
O - OCD traits: When eating a sandwich at full size (i.e. not cut in half) I eat the crust, eat about a third off the top and side of the inside sandwich then nibble the square that's left into a circle. I then take a bite out to tun it into a cresent moon, then another to make it a cheshire grin, then put it out of its misery. It's the way it must be done.
P - Phobia[s]: Pregnancy, needles.
Q - Quote: "Dude, I full on Swayze'd that mother!"
R - Reason to smile: Have shinies on delivery, generally life is good.
S - Song you sang last: I don't know how to love him - Jesus Christ Superstar
T - Time you wake up: Depends on what I have to do that day, where I'm staying and if anyone is sharing my bed
U - Unknown fact about me: With the excpetion of Rachel, everyonealready knows I have a boyfriend, but since it's unknown to someone I'll use that. Um... I don't like avacados?
V - Vegetable you hate: Tomato. Tomato flavour, wonderful! Actual tomatoes = pleh.
W - Worst habit: Assuming, being non-confrontational to the point of fault.S'what I'm going with anyway.
X - X-rays you’ve had: Hand, foot. Minor fractures.
Y - Yummiest food your belly likes: Do not make it choose.
Z - Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Step 1: Put your MP3 player or whatever on random.
Step 2: Post the first line from the first 20 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing the song.
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song and artist the lines come from.
Step 4: Strike out the songs when someone guesses correctly.
Step 5: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING!
Step 6: World domination!
1. The summer I / Simmered simple in the sand / So tongue-tied / Mum and dumb
2. We passed upon the stairs / We spoke of was and when Man Who Sold the World, David Bowie, guessed by
coffee_boffit 3. Hey little sister what have you done / Hey little sister who's the only one White Wedding, Billy Idol, half guessed by
dreamdweller 4. I still don't know what I was waiting for / And my time was running wild / A million dead-end streets Changes, David Bowie, guessed by
purple_bug 5. Wishing on a dream that's seems far off / Hoping it will come today Shii's Song, Lunar Silver Star, sort of guessed by
purple_bug 6. I'm wishing on a star / To follow where you are Wishing on a Star, Paul Weller, guessed by
dreamdweller 7. So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell / Blue skies from pain Wish you were Here, Pink Floyd, guessed by
coffee_boffit 8. Every single day I walk down the street / I hear people say baby's so sweet Take Me or Leave Me, Rent, guessed by
coffee_boffit 9. I got the heebies / I got the heebie jeebies Heebie Jeebies, Puppini Sisters, guessed by
coffee_boffit 10. 5am / Friday morning / Thursday night / Far from sleep Me and a Gun, Tori Amos, guessed by
dreamdweller 11. Bye bye baby / Won't be long / I worry about you while your gone
12. This was an accident / Not the kind where sirens sound / Never even noticed / We're suddenly crumbling Show Me Love, Tatu, guessed by
coffee_boffit 13. Quando sono sola / sogno all'orizzonte / e mancan le parole Time to Say Goodbye, Andrea Boccelli and Sarah Brightman, half guessed by guessed by
coffee_boffit 14. They've clipped my wings again / Tore them apart and then / Left me
15. They came for him one winter's night / Arrested, he was bound / They said there'd been a robbery / His pistol had been found Over the Hills and Far Away, Nightwish, guessed by
dreamdweller 16. Sweet confetti out looking for a saviour / Finding it hard to break the change / Nothing ventured nothing gained Impressed, Natalie Imbrulia, guessed by
dreamdweller 17. And you can bring me to my knees / Yeah /All this time / that I could make you breathe / Yeah Outside, Staind ft. Fred Durst, guessed by
coffee_boffit 18. Roxanne, you dont have to put on that red light / Walk the streets for money / You dont care if its wrong or if it is right Roxanne, Moulin Rouge, guessed by
purple_bug 19. Well it's a 123 take my hand and come with me/ Because you look so fine that I really wanna make you mine Are you Gonna Be My Girl, Jet, guessed by
purple_bug 20.Mother doesnt know where love has gone/ She says it must be youth / That keeps us feeling strong Through the Barricades, Spandu Ballet, guessed by