Hi everyone, my (mtf) girlfriend just got on LJ and she has not yet been accepted into any communities, but she posted this yesterday and I wanted her to be able to share it with a larger audience in order to get some feedback so I am posting it here for her
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Comments 4
She'll still be able to open jars, my wifey still does because I'm a weakling lol. And she's been on it for almost a year. Pfft...you two can go to a top less beach for ladies :P Let her know it's still possible! Just not in the U.S since you know...it's soo wrong and god will smite us LOL.
Not everything goes away, you basicly lost your masculine look somewhat. Soft skin (Which is very nice), feminine legs and arms. Facial hair gets much lighter and thinner. Head hair is much softer. Tell her to think of all the perks, it will ease her more imho :) And bewbies!!! Sorry...I heart my sweeties bewbies.
I have no experience with them... other than my own I guess... so its kind of like I am a teenager again, I get to learn about a whole new facet of sex and foreplay!
;) ok sorry, TMI...
My friends and I have always gone up to each other slapping each other's boobs(while saying "BAD TITTIE") or grabbing them and saying "Nice to meet you!". I tend to shake my g/f's boobs and say "Nice to meet you" as she does to me lol. Thats my experience with boobies lol.
Nah it's ok. You're excited lol, not a bad thing at all. TMI to me would be telling me what all goes on in the bedroom graphic wise :P
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