Manip - Plushies, III

Aug 04, 2014 02:10

Title: Plushies III: Alexander Kirk's two le-matya
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot)
Timeline: Mirror (2.5)
Characters: Alexander Kirk
Rating: G
Tagline: Alexander with his two faithful feline companions.
Series: Plushies, 03.
This one goes with with James Kirk's first starship and S'chn T'gai Spock's first sehlat.
Info from the universe: Jim has a le-matya called Bucephalus as pet/animal companion, given to him by Spock in the early stages of their relationship. The animal is still wild but fully loyal to Jim (for reason I won't bother explain here but involving one of his katra's past lives) and, when Alexander is born, Bucephalus adopts his master's "cub" as his own. Of course, even a crazy man like Jim doesn't feel completely safe at leaving his offspring alone to play with an adult, very venomous le-matya so, to avoid Lex pulling Bucephalus tail and by doing so annoying the big cat, he has bought for his baby two plushie le-matya instead.
Info from the universe 2: Jim's core (as seen in " Day on Vulcan" manip) is represented by a pair of le-matya, one green and one orange. So Lex, in some kind of way, is surrounded by the stuffed representation of his mommy's katra as well.
[Just for you to know, Jim is "mommy" because, in this universe Vulcan society, the mate inside a couple who has the duty to care to the "cubs" is called "Ko-mekh" (mother), regardeless their sexual gender or sexual preference. This means you could have a couple with a dominating female who "provides" for the family safety and so called "Sa-mekh" (father), and the submissive male tending to the cub hence "Ko-mekh" (mother).]
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this. Full credits below the manip itself.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr.

Click to see fullsize (1658 x 720)


2.0 (reboot), ++ fandom: star trek, + manips, series: plushies, char trek: alexander kirk, 2.5 (mirror!reboot)

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