Edit - Star Trek AUs: Rule 63, AOS version (new version)

Dec 05, 2021 21:55

Title: Star Trek AUs: Rule 63, AOS version [updated]
Artist: Hakka ( prue84 )
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot)
Timeline: AOS Genderbend AU
Characters: All main and recurring, plus some TOS recurring and an OC.
Christopher Pike, James Kirk, Spock, Leonard McCoy, Montgomery Scott, Nyota Uhura, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov, Keenser, Hendorff, Carol Marcus, Darwin, Kyle, Moto, 0178, M'Benga, Christine Chapel, Gary Mitchell, Gaila, USS Enterprise (human!Enterprise), Janice Rand.
Rating: G
Tagline: Senior crew and additional main crew of the U.S.S Enterprise from a genderswapped alternate timeline.
Series: Star Trek AUs, Rule 63 Trek, Trek crews AU ( masterpost)
About the edit: Genderswapped version of the crew (as seen here).
Notes: Lieutenant 1701 is the humanoid version of the USS Enterprise (see this post for more info). Since in this universe everyone has the opposite gender, the Enterprise (and ships) is referred to as a "he" and therefore Silver Lord.
Notes 2: More info about crew and titles at the AOS crew edit.
Notes 3: Pike is still alive here (just because I wanted to have Jamie Lee Curtis, sorry).
Notes 4: Originally this was posted August 17, 2016. Slightly edited in December 2020 and another time in February 2021 and a last time between July and November 2021 (published December 5). For what and why, see the AOS edit.
One last, and I mean LAST time (heard me, Hakka??!), in early March 2022 (published March 06), when I completely revamped the graphic to try to make these edit a bit shorter when there's a big crew cast (to then discover Tumblr has upped the max height size to 3072 -.-).
Notes 5: It has been brought to my attention that the actress who once went by the name Ellen has come out and now goes by he/they under the chosen name Elliot. This fancasting was picked in 2016, when this piece was put together and originally published, and does reflect who Elliot went by at the time (she/Ellen). For these reasons, I won't cancel or remake this manip with another fancasting, but I felt the note was necessary to acknowledge that this fancasting couldn't work anymore and I would pick another actress if I were to make it in 2021.
This might be a good reason to headcanon Pavla as coming out and becoming Pavel in a time after this (fake) pic was supposed to be taken. ;)
About the names: Keensera is the name for the female Kenseer in "Parallel lives" (Star Trek 29/30).
I decided that, in a world where the "canon" sex of everyone is swapped, then perhaps Gaila's mother would've picked the same names for her children and just switched them. Gaila's and her brother Kai appear in "Reunion" (Star Trek 53/54); in the end of this comic Gaila applied to be transferred on the USS Enterprise (where her brother serves).
Lieutenant Moto was named to an homage after the make-up effects sculptor Moto Hata, the man who designed the alien/mask and passed away in 2009. For the alien's female version, I chose to switch to the artist's surname.
Matthew is a masculine name related to May, from which Mae (Darwin's comics-canon name) seems to derive.
There's no canon name to the TOS character Kyle, whom Chris Doohan claims he played in the AOS movies; "Christopher" was in honor to him. To not resort to the classic "Christine" I chose the Kristeen, which apparently is a Scottish equivalent of Christine. Even if Kyle isn't Scottish and Chris - like his father - isn't Scottish either.
I explained the meaning of the other crew members' names at their manips: you can find them under the series tag or under the character's own tag.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip): Ah ah. This thing was a nightmare. I've been working on this since... way before summer. Every time I felt it was finished... I had the idea to change something (position of the Fleet logo, it was meant to take a square and be a "log in" page instead of be an header), then I needed to fill a blank hole, then it was another character I felt I had to add, then came the idea to make an edit for the canon crew (with additional characters) and I had the two version to reflect each other and so on. I swear, nightmare.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything on this.
Crossposted: Dreamwidth, Deviantart, Tumblr (old version).

Click to see fullsize (774 x 1255)

SF:\Classified\Other Timelines\Parallel Lives\USS Enterprise>_
“To boldly go where no one has gone before”

Ship’s Name: U.S.S. Enterprise
Ship’s Registry: NCC-1701
Command History: Captain Jean T. Kirk (?-PRESENT) << incomplete data >>
Ship’s Class: Constitution Class
Ship’s Type: Heavy Cruiser
Status: Active (2261.274)
Timeline Name: Parallel Lives
Timeline Details: Opposite biological characteristics to original USS Enterprise crew.
Annotations: Admiral Pike's counterpart is still alive.
Encounter date: 2261.274 (USS Enterprise)
Encounter location: Unmapped.
Encounter cause: Temporal anomaly ("temporal knot"). Region of phenomenon charted and signaled.
Crew complement: 1,094 (1,100)
Crew manifest: _

Liaison officer: Admiral Christine Pike
--- Jamie Lee Curtis

Commanding officer: Captain Jean T. Kirk
--- Scarlett Johansson

First officer and Chief science officer: Commander T'Pock
--- Natalie Dormer

Chief medical officer: Lieutenant Commander Leonore H. McCoy
--- Holly Marie Combs

Chief engineer and Second officer: Lieutenant Commander Moira Scott
--- Annie Wersching

Chief communications officer: Lieutenant Kijani Uhura
--- DB Woodside

Senior helmsman and Third officer: Lieutenant Hikari Sulu
--- Grace Park

Chief navigator and Tactical officer: Ensign Pavla A. Chekova
--- Ellen Paige

Engineer: Lieutenant Keensera

Security chief: Lieutenant Commander G.P. Hendorff
--- Gina Carano

Chief armory and tactical systems officer: Lieutenant Charles Marcus
--- Ryan Gosling

Navigator: Lieutenant Matthew Darwin
--- Morris Chestnut

Transporter chief: Lieutenant Kirsteen Kyle
--- Orla Brady

Security area chief: Lieutenant Hata

Chief computer systems officer: Lieutenant 0178
--- Tilda Swinton

Senior medical officer and Physician: Doctor Gimbya M'Benga
--- Kerry Washington

Head nurse: Nurse Chris Chapel
--- Simon Baker

Helmsman and Tactical officer: Lieutenant Grace Mitchell
--- Katie McGrath

Computer systems officer: Lieutenant junior grade Kai
--- Chris Evans

USS Enterprise mainframe conduit: Lieutenant junior grade 1701
--- Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Captain's yeoman: Petty officer John Rand
--- Charlie Hunnam

char trek: human enterprise, char trek: nyota uhura, char trek: mbenga, 2.0 au (genderbend), char trek: gary mitchell, char trek: hikaru sulu, char trek: james t. kirk, + edits, char trek: aos crew minor characters, char trek: christine chapel, char trek: pavel chekov, ++ fandom: star trek, char trek: janice rand, series: trek rule 63, char trek: gaila, char trek: carol marcus, char trek: montgomery scott, series: trek crews au, char trek: spock, 2.0 (reboot), series: star trek aus, char trek: chris pike, 0.0 (au), char trek: leonard mccoy, char trek: hendorff

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