Title: Rhododendron
Characters: Bobby, Sam, Dean
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG-13 for some language. Also a bit of grossness and immaturity.
Word-count: 1292
Spoilers: 4.10, mainly. Set definitely post-4.16, though, and possibly early S5.
Summary: Dean's decided to deal with his broken leg by living on painkillers and booze. Bobby's not impressed. Sam has the
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Comments 27
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Sometimes you really plan out a story, and you have to think hard about the character's motivations and personalities and what they'd say in a given situation....yeah, not this one. I got stuck waiting for someone to get out of a meeting, found a slip of paper and a pen, and mapped out the skeleton in about 10 minutes. Then I went home and sat at the computer for a couple of hours, and it just kinda wrote itself -- which feels like one of these writing cliches ("my characters tell me what to do"), but it was totally true here, and a very fun experience. Apparently the idea of Bobby being annoyed at Dean puking in his living room is a fruitful one.
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Oh, fun. Poor Dean! And poor Bobby and Sam!
...Bobby refrains from pointing out that this could have happened two days sooner if Sam had just had the initiative to knock his brother over the head with the Encyclopedia of Fiends.
Priceless. :)
Glad you enjoyed it!
You're totally one of my fave new-ish authors! I've loved everything I've read by you. <333
Thank you so very much! I'm Most Extremely New to all this, so it means a lot to be told I'm doing something right and maybe even bringing some happiness to people's days. And, y'know, you've been awesome every time we've bumped heads in cyberspace.
Gonna run away now to roll down grassy knolls in joy and beflatterment (which yes, is totally a word, because I Said So).
If you were into writing like, a bonus scene where we see Sam putting his drunk-wildlife fainty flannely pink-cheeked Deaneroo to bed, in a gratuitous and calmly bribing way, I would not object at aaalllll. JSYK.
Thank you for being awesome.
This line for me is kind of Bobby in a nutshell. Outwardly snarky but inwardly loving the boys. Aaah, yes, Bobby...
Apparently, though, it takes a lot to knock Dean out completely, because he's already spluttering into Sam's back and squirming ineffectually in an attempt to dismount.
Man, this past season almost made me forget how utterly and adorably prepubescent Dean can behave if he's in any way annoyed at all! *g*
And Sammy bribing him with Sprite and radio! LOL!
...setting up a torture scene in the living room in front of an injured and disoriented Dean...
This I think I need to see on show!!
The words "prufrock_26 updated their journal" are currently some of my favourites!
And ah, the whole post-hell/torture thing...I'm determined to write everything as though the total mental breakdown Not Covered by Show is canon. I choose to believe that the only reason we didn't see it is because they had too many other things to squeeze in after the writers' strike. This is, I think, by far the kindest version of the truth. :)
And yes to your view on why we got no mental breakdown. Cause in "real life" (aka head canon) it totally happened!
On a related note, I'm currently feeling a bit miffed that Sam seems to be getting a breakdown story when Dean didn't....but oh well. There are probably more important things to worry about. (And when I say probably, I mean definitely. World hunger. Poverty. That kind of thing.)
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