Title: I Need Your Grace (To Remind Me To Find My Own)
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre: Gen, hurt/comfort
Rating: PG-13 for language and troublesome subject matter (see warnings)
Word-count: 3610
Spoilers: Very vague spoilers for seasons 4 and 5.
Warnings: Depression and self-destructive behavior.
Summary: After pulling out of the life full stop, they're
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Comments 33
I'm glad the psychology rang true for you, too. Depression is such a difficult subject, and one that's never directly faced in canon, so I felt a little like I was blundering around in the dark at some points.
Lastly - I haven't picked up a paintbrush in years, and I had deep misgivings about posting art at all, so your comments mean quite a lot. Thank you. ♥
Sorry about the painful New England nostalgia - I gave it to myself first, and it sort of became the driving force behind this fic, because nothing is more depressing than fall in New England (with the possible exception of early spring in New England). Which, of course, makes it the perfect backdrop for unseemly amounts of post-retirement depression. This - doesn't know how to live in a world where he isn't a martyr - is so terribly true of Dean, and I love the brutal way you put it.
I also love this: Sam learned how to be a good person, a caretaker, the holder-together-of-broken-people from Dean, so when Dean needs it, there he is. YES. I had never thought of it that way before, and....gahhh, yes. I think I love you.
Hey now, I love fall in New England...but it's a bittersweet love, I suppose. Or maybe that's just homesickness talking. :P In any case I couldn't agree more it makes a good backdrop for stark, stagnant depression. But it's so pretty! So, you know, literary contrast and whatnot, I suppose.
Love! *throws confetti*
They both went from full-tilt, screaming, raging, fighting for their life to static, null - nothing.
Is it any wonder their both floundering? Makes your heart ache. I love the setting, this isolated little space that takes them out of any real time or place, just them, just these autumnal woods.
Beautiful and bittersweet.
The art is gorgeous, particularly the one of Dean's hands.
Very, very well done! Loved it.
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