SPN Fic: Daisies Running Riot

Feb 07, 2013 17:54

Title: Daisies Running Riot
Characters: Sam Dean
Genre: Gen
Rating: G
Word-count: 826
Spoilers:  Not a one.
Summary:   After a hunt gone sideways, Dean turns into a begonia enthusiast. Sam copes.
Disclaimer: Title and cut-tex snagged from the song “Lazy Afternoon,” from the Broadway musical The Golden Apple (music by Jerome Moross and lyrics by ( Read more... )

commentfic, dean, summer, supernatural, gen, sam pov, h/c, fanfic, sam

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Comments 2

tabaqui February 8 2013, 13:48:30 UTC
Ah, man, somehow that's just....

I like it.


pinkyapples February 9 2013, 11:32:34 UTC
lovely imagery, and can just picture that lazy afternoon amongst the flowers, nice time-out for both boys


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